Meeting 2024-01-15


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Jannis (Protocol done)
  • Christoph (Protocol done)
  • Moritz


  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Daniel & Jannis


  • 09:00 Kennenlernen+Checkin
  • Protocol: Moritz
  • shadings tests
  • release
  • Samuel
  • please do "Tasks for Everyone" and individual tasks
    • get PRs and UCs done
    • please meet deadlines, so that reviews etc. can be done
  • API documentation
  • median
  • sprint plan

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 19.01.2024:

  1. buddy talk topic: improvement of (API) documentation
  2. do/update sprint plan
  3. approve meeting PR #1157, check for requested reviews

If possible/needed do:

  • create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions
  • submit a (short) text in submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 19.01.2024:

  • Daniel: endpoint requirements, notes
  • Jannis:notes, API refactoring, doc/decisions/, (timeline)
  • Christoph: landingpage, spread&height, review heatmap+db docu
  • Moritz: group instead of layers, create shade layer UC issues (8-edges, size selectable, overlap)
  • Yvonne: Shading Testen
  • Markus: Release

Meeting Notes

Raw SQL queries should be preferred over typed queries for increased developer ergonomics. The next release should focus on minor bug fixes and frontpage updates. Samuel will no longer be able to work for PermaplanT due to personal reasons.

Plants should not be mapped into three size categories, but use a simple size field instead.

Every team member is reminded to keep up with their weekly tasks, especially with reviewing the weekly meeting notes PR. Tasks should be done as soon as possible after the weekly meeting on monday.

Backend tasks should be done primarily by our dedicated Backend-Devs. Frontend teammembers should submit requests for required APIs as prose text. Swagger APIs docs need to be reworked for a large portion of APIs.