Meeting 08.04.2024


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel (protocol done)
  • Christoph (protocol done)
  • Moritz (protocol done)
  • Jannis (protocol done)
  • Lukas (protocol done)
  • Filip
  • Andrei (Scrum Master)


  • Daniel & Andrei
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • protocol: Filip
  • GitLab Tuwien migration
  • next release
  • very well-written backend issues:
    • local backend tests
    • compilation times #1210 (please create issues first)
  • content:
    • drawing layer names (several ones):
  • docu available
  • branches:
    • new dev branch
    • rename to
    • rename to
  • scrum with Andrei:
    • issues
    • reviews -> later
    • (manual) e2e tests -> later Christoph+Filip
  • last sprint before release
  • create issues:
    • rework notification system (Jannis+Andrei)
    • Jannis: raw SQL
  • sprint plan

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 12.04.2024:

  • update your in submissions repo
  • buddy talk: documentation improvements
  • approve meeting PR #1254
  • request and approve for requested reviews requested reviews
  • do/update sprint plan

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 12.04.2024:

  • Daniel: finish timeline, drawing, meeting refactor layers

  • Filip: GitLab, network problem

  • Jannis: creation times, how to name branches, tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata + what interface should any layer have), review DB Doku from Christoph, notification profilen

  • Moritz: meeting refactoring, heatmap rebase, issues restructure, write if all stale branches can be removed

  • Christoph: german name issue, SQL heatmap benchmark, hierarchy PR

  • Lukas: documenting how to create+test layers, investigate panning performance

  • Andrei: create issues

  • Yvonne: find manually inserted data in CSV

Meeting Notes

We will apply for netidee funding. If interested write an email to Markus&Yvonne. If necessary, we will have a meeting to further discuss details. Needed for application is a 15 second video per person, to see each team member in the team.

Migration to GitLab: everyone can log in and play around already. This week are all Issues & PRs still in Github.

Release: only small bugs missing.

In future we will have two main branches:

  • master: stable branch for releases (mostly bug fixes)
  • dev: development branch (bigger features, most things)

The small feature branches stay the same and usually have the dev branch as target

  • When creating PRs: Link to issue and add small summaries to PRs to help Reviewers
  • When doing reviews: mention what you did as reviewer.

Individual tasks (also see above):

  • Andrei: part of the meetings for Reviews to make working together more efficient in near future.
  • Lukas proposition: clean up the branches, that are stale and not of use anymore.
  • Layers: Small refactorings and features can be done in parallel, and refactoring and doc is positive. Daniel organizes meeting about this.

Tasks for everyone (see above):

  • Fill up submission repository.
  • For this week do
  • Next week TISS.txt.