Meeting 2023-03-14

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Samuel
  • Gabriel
  • Moritz
  • Nursultan
  • Lukas
  • Ramzan
  • Thorben Julian
  • Benjamin
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben & Benjamin


These tasks are to be done the day before the meeting

  • Add question/action points in agenda
  • Speak to your Buddy
  • Create a PR with and research questions in private submissions repo
  • Collect points by reviewing other PRs
  • Sign Vertrag
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards


  • 09:00 welcome ☺️
    • Ramzan
    • Thorben Julian
    • Benjamin
  • buddies
  • news
  • finishing M1:
    • remaining RC-bugs for seed use case
    • plant db finishing touches
    • frontend tests&docu
  • other important topics (prep for M2):
    • UX
    • DB
    • decisions: state&architecture
  • do more reviews of others PRs (goal: 2 reviews per PR)
  • new UI sketch (from Yvonne&Markus) with short feedback from you (details afterwards in UI focus team)
  • scope & date for M2
  • finishing & first discussions about assignment of use cases
  • Project Planning for next iteration
  • Yvonne found new database
  • 10:00 closing & break
  • start UI focus team
  • in-detail discussion of UI sketch
  • mockup (directly with our framework?)
  • closing UI focus team

Meeting notes:


  • Nursultan's questions (link):
  • Samuel's questions
    • Tight or loose integration with NC? Should the PermaplanT app work without NC?
    • Integration of Nextcloud in Frontend or Backend client to NC communication:
      • web client <--> NC
      • web client <--> PROXY <--> NC
      • web client <--> backend <--> NC
    • Where do we store user related information (DB or Nextcloud)?
      • credentials
      • location information
      • permissions/groups/roles
      • application data: ownership/membership of maps
    • How do we retrieve relationships between plants? (Not included in current dataset)


  • welcome
  • discussed tasks for everybody
  • submit first version of your research questions in "submissions" repo
    • shouldn't be perfect, just a first draft
  • do reviews of other PRs and collect points
  • discussed agenda
  • buddies + small creative task
  • end date of your thesis. thesis should be completed within one term but can be finished quicker
  • Moritz asked regarding git workflow in submissions repository: When should we create pull requests? When can we push directly to master?
    • you can directly push to the master, e.g. for templates and other not-to-be-reviewed stuff
    • open PR only for the parts that should be reviewed (this week at least the research question)
    • entire thesis i.e. paper work should be finally in the "submissions" repo
  • focus groups
    • small groups to discuss specific topics
    • prefer github issues, meetings should be rather for clarifications
    • also personal meetings are possible, if needed
  • adapt the meeting protocol template (Nursultan)
    • status report vs questions
  • update authors file with your:
    • expertises
    • interest areas in the project
  • Markus and Yvonne presented a mockup for the plants layer
  • second milestone
    • companions/antagonist data Benjamin
    • first version of the canvas/map
    • basic functionality of the map

UI Focus Group

  • hello
    • Giancarlo: seed usecase
    • Samuel: practical experience in data analysis software, experience with tailwindcss
    • Thorben: practical experience in designing smaller business interfaces, mostly web design
    • Moritz: full-stack
  • show similar features in Krita (tool buttons and layers)
  • Layers unintiutive? alternative? enable? Decision: we will use a group instead of top-level "alternatives" checkbox
  • to be tested: does a slider with double click work?
  • usage of mouseover text functionality
  • cluttered "drag and drop plants" -> also use groups here
  • date zoom functionality -> will be drawn last
  • buttons more standard?

Deliverables until the next meeting:

(additional to deliverables everyone needs to do)

  • Samuel
    • NC decisions
    • UI prototype
  • Gabriel
    • decisions (API documentation, SQL queries)
    • help seed milestone
  • Moritz
    • seed milestone M1
    • documentation of frontend
  • Giancarlo
    • mockup of M2
    • seeds
  • Nursultan
    • varieties in plant database should be checked by Markus & Yvonne
    • decisions/researches/architecture
  • Lukas
    • CI/CD master deployment
  • Ramzan
    • PostGIS
  • Thorben
    • gamification use cases
    • PostGIS
  • Benjamin
    • get started with spreadsheet and Rust
    • usecases

Progress Reports

Nursultan Progress Report

  1. persistent undo when deleting a map/plant etc. #90
    • scheduled deleting of a map/plant should be implemented either on the backend or server levels
    • need to discuss ideas with the Lukas and Markus
  2. confidence and strength of specific relations (e.g. buddy, dislike, ...) and attributes (e.g. wind, ...)
    • Issue #88 / PR #89
    • go through open conversations on the meeting
    • task is completed on the structural level
    • since genus/subfamily/family CSV files are not fixed yet, metatables are initially empty(maybe confusing for other team members?). In order to fill them right now, we need to manually add the data to the database with queries commented out in the migration file
    • We also already have prefilled CSV files for genus/subfamily/family, which consist distinct values of the corresponding attributes. We can also use these files to fill the metatables.
  3. undo-redo functionality of the map #91
    • need a research on PostGIS
  4. have a look at #102
    • completed, you can find the results in the issue


To be done until 20.3.2023:

  • Review and correct research questions (in private submissions repo)
  • add TISS Entries (in private submissions repo)
    • Matrikelnummer+Studium
    • Beginndatum
    • Erwartetes Ende (latest June)
    • Titel (Deutsch+Englisch)
    • Beschreibung/Abstract (Deutsch+Englisch)
    • Schlagwörter (Deutsch+Englisch) (/ separated )
  • Speak to your Buddy
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards