Use Case: Map Statistics


  • Scope: Map Statistics
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can view statistics about their garden and plants.


  • Precondition: The user has opened the app and has opened their map.
  • Main success scenario: The user views statistics about their garden and plants. Examples of statistics include:
    • Total number of plants in the garden
    • Number of elements in each layer
    • Total number of visits to the garden
  • Alternative scenario:
  • Error scenario:
    • If the user encounters technical issues or errors while using the statistics, the platform should display an error message and allow the user to try again.
  • Postcondition: The user has successfully viewed statistics about their garden and plants.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
  • Alternatives (statistics depend on which alternative layers are selected)