Use Case: Membership Application


  • Scope: Membership
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: User (Membership Applicant), Administrator (Chairman)
  • Brief: The user can apply for a membership (account)
  • Assignee: Ready to be assigned


  • Precondition: The user has opened the app and is not logged in.
  • Main success scenario:
    1. The user can click an register button which leads them to Keycloak to fill out:
      • username
      • first+last name
      • email address
      • birthday
      • biography
    2. The user can look at public maps (read-only and without seeing addresses!)
    3. The user apply for membership, with several steps:
      1. Which kind of membership is selected on landing page and "Apply for membership" clicked. Can also be clicked without being registered before, then Step 1. of Main success scenario needs to be done.
      2. form page 1
        • salutation (Anrede)
        • title (Title) (optional)
        • billing address (Rechnungsadresse)
        • country (Land)
        • additional emails (E-Mails) (optional)
        • telephone number (optional)
        • website (optional)
        • organisation (optional)
        • permaculture experience (optional)
        • user photo (uploaded and also used in Nextcloud)
      3. form page 2
        • if billing address or someone else's address should be used
        • one or several photos of the site
        • description of the site
        • location of map(s) (not shown to default-roles-permaplant users)
      4. form page 3
        • owner (KontoinhaberIn)
        • IBAN
        • BIC
        • how did you get to know about PermaplanT (optional text)
        • username for who recruited (angeworben) (optional)
        • privacy
    4. An admin:
      • removes the bank account data
      • assigns the "member" role in Keycloak
      • changes quota in Nextcloud
    5. The user gets a notification via email
  • Alternative scenario:
  • Error scenario:
  • Postcondition:
    • The user can enjoy all of PermaplanT's features.
  • Non-functional Constraints: