Use Case: Contributing Member


  • Scope: Membership
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user receives a membership without compensation via money through contributions.


  • Precondition:
    • The user already has an existing membership OR
    • The user has currently no membership.
  • Main success scenario:
    • The user can receive permacoins through various activities in the app, like:
      • gaining Blossoms in the Expert Track.
      • getting likes from other users on their reviews.
      • getting approvals on their submitted plant relationships.
      • getting their comments on a map marked as helpful by the maps owner.
      • recruiting new members.
    • The user can see their exact count of current and previous permacoins in their profile.
    • If the user applied for the contributing membership and when reaching a certain milestone with the amount of gathered permacoins, the user will be given the current calendar year of membership without compensation via money.
    • Permacoins can not be transferred from the current into another year nor be exchanged to money in any way.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The user does not gather enough permacoins and has to pay the full price for this years membership.
  • Error scenario:
  • Postcondition:
    • The user has the permission to use the app and to be part of the community.
  • Non-functional Constraints: