Meeting 2023-03-23 Backend Kick-Off

Protocolled by: Markus


  • Gabriel
  • Nursultan
  • Benjamin
  • Ramzan
  • (everyone on the mailing list is welcomed)


  • welcome ☺️
  • architecture:
    • quality goals:
      1. stability
      2. maintenance
      3. performance
      4. privacy
    • which modules do we have?
      • modules ~ endpoints, so it is map, users, ...
    • where to add which code, e.g.:
      • polyculture algorithms -> subfolder in services (documentation will be written)
      • switching of layer/time -> parameters to endpoint
      • session handling -> nextcloud (OAuth client lib), token only in browser, not in backend or DB, open decision: best Rust OAuth Client (
      • transaction handling -> not needed
      • threading -> tokio
      • regular tasks (see decision below) -> Rust/tokio if easy, otherwise cronjob
      • validation -> done by diesel
      • reporting/monitoring tool
    • solution strategy?
      • description of 3 layers
      • types/structs
      • diesel/rust intro in docs(Gabriel)
      • be stateless (all state in DB)
  • documentation:
    1. mdBook (general intro)
    2. API documentation (swagger?)
    3. code documentation of backend
    4. code documentation of frontend
  • to work with DB -> Diesel must be learned
  • which decisions do we need to make?
    • API documentation
      • typescript generation of openapi?
    • DB documentation
      • -> yes, we document the structs
      • what about SQL queries?
      • open decision: best Rust OAuth Client/Server
    • regular tasks
  • which tasks do we have?
    • logging decision
    • extend pre-commit hook for backend (Benjamin)
    • cargo watch (Gabriel)
  • who wants to work on which task?
  • Gabriel: mdBook, API docu
  • Benjamin: pre-commit hook, review mdBook, API frontend
  • Nursultan: documenting structs
  • Ramzan: Diesel Postgis, check how to document algorithm