- Tester:
- Date/Time:
- Duration:
- Commit/Tag:
- Setup: local build or dev.permaplant
- Planned tests: -1
- Executed tests: -1
- ✔️Passed tests: -1
- ⚠️Problematic tests: -1
- ❌Failed tests: -1
- Identifying the error: Is it indeed a genuine software defect, or is it a faulty test case, incorrect test execution, etc.?
- Has the error already been identified in previous tests?
- Error specifictation
- Class 1: Faulty specification
- Class 2: System crash
- Class 3: Essential functionality is faulty
- Class 4: Functional deviation or limitation
- Class 5: Minor deviation
- Class 6: Cosmetic issue
- Priority
- Level 1: Immediate resolution
- Level 2: Fix in next version
- Level 3: Correction will be done opportunistically
- Level 4: Correction planning is still open
- How is the current state of the software?
- Have the quality objectives been achieved?
- What are the consequences drawn from the current state, including: how can future errors be avoided, how can the development process be improved?