Meeting 2023-03-15 Gamification

Protocolled by: Markus


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Pavlo
  • Thorben


  • Goals of the game(s)
  • Related work
  • Use cases
  • Brain storming for interface

Meeting notes:

  • Goals of the game(s)
    • class room (learning) +1
    • work in group
    • behavior/choices of persons
    • diversity +1
    • intercropping?
  • model cases
  • calculate/evaluate performance:
    • pest controls/attractive wild life/...
  • why game:
    • put in parallel scenarios simultan
    • lead to very different path way
    • peer discussion
    • peer experts help in assessment
    • ranking (e.g. peer review happened)
  • Use cases
    • known companions evaluated by growers (placement, constraints, preferences)
    • growers have a list about 80 vegetables
    • planning done by experts (maybe even same)
    • work together
    • output (harvest, measurement kits for soil, e.g. water measurements, taste)
    • "citicen science"
    • e.g. 10 growers with different combinations
    • harvest basket/Erntekörbchen (to facilitate more diverse gardens and community work):
      • get good reviews in added plants
      • write good reviews (known companions and traits-based)
      • get good reviews when helping other people in their map
      • get good reviews of your own map
      • get new people apply for membership
      • good plant diversity, reward:
        • have the ingredients you need the whole year round (e.g. for a smoothie)
        • have at least 3 plants blooming simultaneously
        • plan a garden with given constraints (probably best doable if you can give others permissions to draw on alternative layers)
        • have all vegetables you need for a party at date X

Next meeting in around 3 weeks with use cases and mockups.