Meeting 2023-04-11

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Moritz (Best PermaplanT Companion KW15)
  • Samuel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW14)
  • Benjamin (Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)
  • Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Paul
  • Gabriel
  • Lukas
  • Ramzan
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Benjamin & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done within next week KW14 (7.4.2023):

  • Update doc/ to reflect what you already worked on
  • Add small picture of your head to Nextcloud in Public/Avatars (80x80 for landing page)
  • Test inserting seeds and report here
  • Write decisions #2
  • Read and update PermplanT's glossary
  • Write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
  • Add at least one question and a very short progress report, relevant for others, in agenda
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW15
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
  • Speak to your Buddy about glossary, what is missing, what could be extended?
  • Thesis: write Glossary&Goals (submission)
  • (Optional) Add review/correction/proof-read metadata for every paragraph in thesis, see unterlagen/
  • (Optional) Apply spelling.sed and checks to your thesis (see unterlagen)

Individual Tasks

To be done within next week KW14 (7.4.2023):

  • Yvonne: Logo, Drawings, Testing Seed entries, "Additional Name", Documentation of structs
  • Markus: Texts for landing page
  • Benjamin: plant search, creating a new layer, full text search
  • Gabriel: mdBook, testing strategy
  • Giancarlo: seed overview (edit, delete, ...)
  • Lukas: Frontend, Release Deployment, Import Seeds
  • Moritz: Finish Seed use case, create new layer, frontend tests
  • Nursultan: scraping, plant DB finalize, architecture, thesis correction
  • Paul: translation for frontend, Documentation Frontend, Seed fix
  • Ramzan: use cases, Database Guidelines, DB/ER Diagram, SQL code examples feasability, 1. QGis, 2. Projizieren, 3. Rastering
  • Samuel: landing page fixes, UI for plant use case (right toolbar), use cases
  • Thorben: use cases, DB/ER Diagram, Mockups, privacy, imprint, pricing, map


  • 09:00 welcome
    • Best PermaplanT Companion KW15: Moritz
  • Stimmungsbarometer
  • Questions:
    • buddy talk: glossary
  • Project: Planning for next iteration.
    • please move tasks back if (significant) changes were requested
    • please only keep "In Progress" if you really work on it that day
    • please first request reviews from others before you request from me
  • target audience
    • thesis: programmers
    • PermaplanT: FLOSS contributors (could be biologists)
  • Frontend Meeting
    • Implementation of Layers can be started!
    • Landing page
    • Layers/sidebar prototype
    • Timeline
  • DB meeting
    • Luciano helps with GIS
    • coordinates
    • Plant DB gets squashed to one migration
  • Preparation for In-Person Meeting
  • finish M1 this week
  • implement M2 this week

Meeting notes:

  • Glossary not complete, still some work to do
  • authentication setup tested with next cloud
  • openId connect plugin of Nextcloud did not work as expected and the limitations will stay
  • will host external identity provider
  • CORS: wasn't the problem -> actual routing problem fixed
  • decided to switch to async diesel in backend on all layers, no uses of web::block anymore
  • dark mode default, setting stored in local storage
  • FrontEnd docs, typedoc forked -> creating repo
  • db schema of hierarchies is not stable
  • invite at least one reviewer before markus takes a look (in case it is not urgent)
  • talk with Markus when adding synonyms in glossary
  • frontend meeting summary:
    • changes in landing page
    • decision of paul for localization
    • current state of the toolbar
    • went over moritz' mockup for timeline
    • giancarlo finished the design for first layer
  • database meeting:
    • Luciano - PostGIS expert
    • squash all the migrations
  • translation in common instead of i18n
  • architecture decisions
    • lazyloading of the map
    • optimizations:
      • how and when does react rerender the components -> implement good data structure
      • how to represent 10 000 elements?
    • offloading of the frontend state
    • undo and redo
  • pull requests should not live longer than 2 weeks
  • 1 scientifc name + 1 additional name (because there are plants with no scientific names yet)
  • live meeting in burgendland
    • Unterfrauenhaid
    • Feldgasse 19
    • PLZ: 7321
    • Train: Deutschkreutz
    • Bus: Weppersdorf

Progress Reports

Please push progress reports in items below:

  • Benjamin: squash migrations, database schema
  • Nursultan:
    • Scraping Permapeople #102. Should add enums, otherwise done.
    • Scraping Reinsaat #123. There is an inconsistencies in the binomial names, currently pending. discussing with Yvonne. Otherwise done.
    • Merging plant DB and Scrapers #217. Two tasks mentioned above should be separated from merging to avoid duplication of work. In progress.
    • Architecture decisions #102. Small changes are still needed. In progress.
    • Thesis. Done and waiting for feedback
  • Paul: added translation for seeds
  • Markus:
    • Scientific name
    • Datenschutz (privacy) page
    • Cookie only after login
    • use static map by default


Please push questions in items below:


Please push Progress in decisions, or other important changes devs should know, in items below:


To be done within next week KW15 (14.4.2023):

  • Test inserting seeds and report here
  • Finalize decisions #2
  • Write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
  • Add at least one question and a very short progress report, relevant for others
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW16
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
  • Thesis: write hypothesis, improve Glossary&Goals (submission)
  • Look at ways how to improve documentation (storybook or mdBook)
  • Speak to your Buddy: In-Person Meeting