Meeting 2024-01-08


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Jannis (Protocol done)
  • Christoph
  • Moritz

Nicht da:

  • Samuel


  • Moritz & Samuel
  • Daniel & Jannis & Christoph


  • 09:00 3 questions for year 2024
  • welcome: Christoph
  • Protocol: Christoph
  • Diagrams in Bachelor Thesis
  • sprint plan

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 12.01.2024:

  1. buddy talk topic: improvement of documentation
  2. do/update sprint plan
  3. approve meeting PR #1129, check for requested reviews

If possible/needed do:

  • create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions
  • submit a (short) text in submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 12.01.2024:

  • Daniel: drawing layer backend, create layers and label layer issues
  • Moritz: create shade layer UC issues (8-edges, size selectable, overlap), (group instead of layers)
  • Jannis: review heatmap, notes+drawing layer
  • Christoph: architektur, review heatmap+db docu
  • Samuel: reviews, help others, documentation of unit tests

Meeting notes

  • Drawing Layer: Double click to finish bezier/polygon
  • Überlegungen über Refactoring der gemeinsamen Fähigkeiten der Layer
  • Koordination mit Backend: Evtl. alles als Geometry/Polygon speichern, jedenfalls keine neuen Textrepräsentationen erfinden
  • Moritz: Shading Layer, Diskussion über Brush vs. Polygon
  • Jannis, Christoph: Heatmap PR reviewen