Meeting 2023-08-15

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 11.8.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Write at least one page in submissions
  • Update doc/ and avatar in NC nextcloud/Public/Avatars/
  • Write to Markus if interested in projects:
    • projekt neu 194.145 and 194.146
    • alt: 185.A28 PR Project in Computer Science 1 4.0h, 6.0EC
    • alt: 185.A29 PR Project in Computer Science 2 4.0h, 6.0EC
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do in total ~80 reviews of PRs in main repo or submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 11.8.2023:

  • Adi: NC config, finish Makefile, modularization, create/cleanup/prior CI issues
  • Samuel: NC hierarchy, (share) base layer, cleanup issues/PRs
  • Moritz: documentation, seeds, shade, polygon, (base layer)
  • Christoph: plants hierarchy+overrides, security/keycloak roles strategy


  • Samuel (Protocol done)
  • Adi
  • Moritz
  • Christoph K. (Chris)
  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Jannis
  • Christoph N.


  • Adi & Samuel (NC fixes)
  • Moritz & Christoph (security/performance testing strategy)
  • Jannis & Christoph



  • 09:00 welcome Jannis und Christoph N.
  • plant hierarchy
  • protocol: Adi
  • expectations on thesis and teamwork
    • Progress, Weekly Tasks & Surprises (Delay&Be faster)
    • Quality&Code&Teamwork matters most
    • Paper: less is more
  • how to finish thesis:
    • do all your tasks in good quality (don't create a personal backlog)
    • create issues etc. early, think ahead of next tasks (critical chain)
    • be a team-player, review others work, document for others and yourself (including Forschungstagebuch)
    • and never forget your health comes first
  • how to write a paper
    • RQs
    • related work
    • define terms (first in glossary)
  • English scientific technical text:
    • avoid synonyms
    • active voice (We..)
    • short sentences
    • avoid modal verbs (can, may, might), for probability see
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 18.8.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Update submission repo to be like described in submissions' using PRs for reviewable parts (push moving of files etc.)
  • Update doc/ and avatar in NC nextcloud/Public/Avatars/
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 18.8.2023:

  • Jannis: opensesame read from chat

  • Felix: opensesame get it running & case study

  • Adi: (starting with project) NC config, E2E coding guidelines, finish Makefile, create/cleanup/prior CI issues

  • Moritz: UC done (grid), seeds UC done, (polygon, base layer, shade)

  • Chris: plants hierarchy+overrides, (security/keycloak roles)

  • Samuel: PDF, UC done (visibility, login), NC hierarchy, (share) base layer, cleanup issues/PRs

  • Thorben: final submission thesis

  • Christoph: various small usability issues, copy&paste UC

Meeting Notes

Hierachy implementation

  • Namen von Pflanzen
  • Genus Species Varity Cultivar
  • Brassica oleracea alba 'Filderkraut'
  • Genus Species Cultivar
  • Cucumis sativus 'Qualitas'
  • Genus Species
  • Vaccinium Patriot

For the new Hierachy implementation, a plant can be saved in any of these tables: species, variety and cultivar. It depends on their name. To determine the entry for the species, variety, we perform a majority analysis of our data to identify the most common data entries.

Bachelorarbeit - Critical Chains

Kurzes Paper, Qualität und Code sind wichtiger (auch Teamwork/Reviews). Critical Chain -> Vorausplanen. Sie sind unvermeidbar und müssen anfangen zu laufen, denn sie benötigen fixe Zeit. Christoph Kraus: Research Question, Security Strategie Moritz: Implementierung Samuel: Kleine rust critical chain Felix: Hardware, Feasibility statt Benchmark

How to Bachelorarbeit

Die Research Questions zu beantworten ist das Ziel des Papers. Introduction/Related work sind Nebenschauplätze. See

Terminologie wichtig einzuhalten und zu definieren. Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit eher restriktiv. Kritisch: Research Questions -> Method -> Result Unkritisch: Abstract | Introduction | Conclusion |

Objektives und Subjektives klar trennen.


  • Methode -> Algorithmus, wie sieht die Vorgehensweise der Arbeit aus. Wie werden Resultate generiert
  • Results -> objektive beschreibungen, keine analyse, keine schlussfolgerung. Nur blanke daten, die von anderen reproduzierbar/beobachtbar sind.
  • Conclusion/Discussion -> Eigene Meinung


  • Eindeutig, klar und pregnant ausdrücken.
  • Keine Synonyme, klare Terminologie.
  • Meistens Hauptwörter.
  • Active Voice "we".
  • Kurze Sätze, keine modalen Wörter (U can see, U see).

Teamwork (20%)

  • Dokumentation für andere (auch Vorteil für einen selber später)
  • Reviews schreiben

Forschungstagebuch effektiv für das Schreiben der Arbeit. Gesundheit > Forschen

Weekly Recap

  • Adi: CI/Testing - E2E Dokus
  • Samuel: (verpasst, war am schreiben)
  • Moritz: Älteres Feature fertig gemacht (Seeds edit/löschen)
  • Christoph Kraus: Scraper/Datenbank/Security(Keycloak)