Meeting 2023-08-28

The meeting will be on Monday 9:00.

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 25.8.2023:

  • Please give your vote in
  • Buddy talk: Talk about your research questions
  • Create a PR with tests (unit, integration or E2E)
  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 25.8.2023:

  • Jannis: refactor framework, opensesame read from chat, issue erstellen setup
  • Felix: opensesame get it running & case study
  • Chris: scaper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations
  • Moritz: selection, seeds UC done, polygon, page test, UC done (grid)
  • Adi: (starting with project) E2E coding guidelines, finish Makefile, Lukas Agenda
  • Lukas: NC (config), mdbook deployment
  • Christoph: fix various small usability issues, copy&paste UC


  • Christoph N.
  • Jannis
  • Felix
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

War nicht da:

  • Christoph K. (Chris)
  • Adi (Protocol done)
  • Moritz (Protocol done)


  • Moritz & Chris
  • Jannis & Christoph
  • Adi & Felix


  • 09:00 welcome
  • Protocol: Christoph
  • buddy talk
  • Nextcloud app
  • computer/hardware
  • case study
  • read guidelines, check them in code reviews
  • cleanup branches or use separate repository
  • free writing: choose a topic, write for at least fixed 10-20 minutes.
    • hand stays in movement, no deletion
    • don't worry about spelling or grammar
    • look forward to next time
  • testing decisions and strategy
  • first define behavior using Gherkin
  • 3.3 release
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Wednesday 30.8.2023:

  • register in keycloak
  • submit/finalize TISS.txt (Jannis, Christoph N., evtl. Felix)
  • milestone update

To be done until Friday 1.9.2023:

  • mind. 10min free writing
  • Buddy talk: Talk about your case study
  • Get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 1.9.2023:

  • Jannis&Felix: Schnittstellenbeschreibung, refactor framework für Wetterstation+sensors+buttons, opensesame read from chat, issue erstellen setup

  • Christoph: fix various small usability issues, copy&paste UC

  • Adi: E2E tests seeds, 3.3 release, finish Makefile, Lukas Agenda, Dockerfiles vereinheitlichen

  • Chris: scaper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations

  • Moritz: selection, seeds UC done, polygon, page test, UC done (grid)

  • Lukas: NC (config), mdbook deployment

Meeting Notes

  • buddy-meeting regarding RQs

  • communication via Nextcloud (markus and yvonne are there) or via discord who wants to

  • case study: mention in the contributions that we actually used the software for something real (e.g. a plant bed in case of PermaplanT) and not just used it randomly "for fun"

  • updated now has to be part of every PR

  • Felix: use a picture of the set-up hardware and add it to the thesis

  • Christoph: add decision regarding test strategy for the frontend, especially integration testing

  • Jannis: keycloak registration (with real name)

  • Christoph+Jannis: add title and working abstract for TISS

  • OpenSesame: things that are not statically testable have to be reviewed and manually checked

How to get text to paper

Use Free Writing as a method

  • write by hand

  • reserve a timeslot (like 10-20min) and set a countdown

  • most important thing is to continuously write during this period and to not delete (strike-through) anything, just continue to write

  • usually trying to write grammatically correct sentences is often hindering and can anyway be done afterwards (also automatically by tools)

  • do not write result-oriented; usually a few ideas exist afterwards anyway, though that's not the main goal of this method

  • this is a technique purely to get text to paper and not to find a research question

  • Task till next meeting: try out "Free Writing" and talk about it