Meeting 2023-03-28

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Benjamin (Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)
  • Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Paul
  • Samuel
  • Gabriel
  • Moritz
  • Lukas
  • Ramzan
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Benjamin & Paul

Task for Everyone

To be done within this week (24.03.2023):

  • Socratic questioning on your and as review on other PRs (see in submissions)
  • Create your own milestone plan and create PR in submissions
  • Look at one of the examples thesis in submissions
  • Add at least one question and a progress report in agenda (push to branch meeting_notes/28.03.2023)
  • Read all usecases, progress report which ones you find interesting
  • Speak to your Buddy: what will your case study be?
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW13
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs (main repo and submissions)

Individual Tasks

  • Benjamin: use cases, linting&auto-formatting
  • Gabriel: API documentation+ORM
  • Giancarlo: finish seed use case
  • Lukas: CI, (release)
  • Moritz: finish seed use case
  • Nursultan: feasibility study+architecture document
  • Paul: Finish seed use case, Frontend
  • Ramzan: use cases, Database Guidelines, Feasability, 1. QGis, 2. Projizieren, 3. Rastering
  • Samuel: Landing Page, NC Decision Document
  • Thorben: use cases

Individual Tasks:

  • Benjamin: use cases, Pavlo
  • Gabriel: ORM decision, mdBook, build book
  • Giancarlo: Right Toolbar Mockup, layer
  • Lukas: Backend, URL, Frontend, Release
  • Moritz: Plant DB Integration, Backend Search, Cleaning up migration?
  • Nursultan: feasibility study+architecture document, check 10.000 elements, documentation
  • Paul: (Decision) Documentation Frontend, plant search (ranking), decision about full text search
  • Ramzan: use cases, Database Guidelines, Feasability, 1. QGis, 2. Projizieren, 3. Rastering
  • Samuel: Landing Page, Login Decision
  • Thorben: use cases, DB, ER Diagram


  • 09:00 welcome
  • Questions:
    • buddy talk: what is your case study? (use PermaplanT yourself)
    • GitHub+NC notifications enabled?
    • How many PRs did you review?
    • Interesting usecases?
  • In the future I see PermaplanT as ...
  • Project: Planning for next iteration
  • English:
    • hyphen: up-to-date topic, highly-interactive app, vs. the app is highly interactive
    • terms always the same (Glossary!)
    • when writing, look up grammar rules etc.
    • for verbs search for synonyms
  • getting better meeting notes
    • always push to agenda what affects others (decisions, documentation, hooks, ...)
  • Tips for your thesis:
    • Forschungstagebuch
    • speed
    • look at other thesis
    • identify glossary terms with italics
    • implementation details, make it shorter
    • lessons learned are nice
    • evaluation is must-have (how do we answer RQ. only results, without any opinion)
  • working together
    • common components (SimpleButton improvement PR)
    • benchmark setups
    • code
    • minimize work on thesis
  • technicalities:
    • PRs with generic issues (use cases #1, decisions #2), don't need extra issues just for the PR
    • make sure PRs have (short description in GitHub)
    • branch names see .github/
    • merging policy: own PRs should not be merged by yourself, others are okay if you are sure it is okay and it solves a problem for you (e.g. fixes builds).
  • paper
    • how to write methodology
    • what is important for RQs
  • outcome of backend meeting:
    • we want to use Swagger
    • decisions: prefer to simply push and consider all possible solutions even if it is obvious
  • assignment of one use cases
  • 2nd milestone
    • we should be able to plant plants

Frontend Meeting

Starts 15:30:

  • SVG (Tomato)

    • check: svg on Konva
    • Tomato_vector_transparent_background.kra
  • common components

    • document in storybook
  • tailwind configuration

  • mockup

    • no description for layer buttons
    • drag and drop for reordering the layers
    • arrow for collapsing group
    • add vertical dropdown for deleting
  • next steps:

    • Giancarlo: svg on Konva, mockup
    • Samuel: Color Schema, landing page
    • Giancarlo: news
    • Moritz: time line
    • Samuel: slogan, UI plant use case
    • corp. design
      • Yvonne: logo
      • Thorben: prim+sec color, 9-10 shades
      • Giancarlo: margins
      • Paul: section heading, shadows, layout improvement
  • next meeting: Friday 9:00

Progress Reports

  • is in submissions repo
  • Samuel
    • added env file with API_URL to frontend
    • defined color structure in tailwind
    • implemented landing page suggestions and dark mode
    • stuck at accessing values from tailwind configuration (typescript errors)
  • Moritz
    • seeds entry is almost done
    • only thing that is that is missing is the integration of the scraped data
  • Benjamin
    • Wrote the last remaining polyculture use cases.
    • Set up pre commit hooks for the whole project.
    • Add front end commands for the check stage of the CI pipeline.
    • Get in touch with Pavlo to get more info on plant relation data.
    • Work on a sketch for the database schema for representing plant relationships.


  • Samuel
    • When are PRs merged?
    • How to avoid duplicate effort? E.g. I am working on simple components that I need for my feature other people might need similar components for different feature. Should we create smaller PRs that get merged fast? E.g. SimpleButton improvement PR
  • Moritz
    • Is there already a standard format for branch names and commit messages?
  • Benjamin
    • Is the current state of the database schema on master fixed or subject to change?


Extra Meetings:

  • Today 15:30: Frontend
  • Thursday 9:00: Polyculture

To be done till 31.3.2023:

  • finalize use cases
  • Read all decisions, progress report which ones you agree
  • start decisions #2
  • write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
  • Add at least one question and a very short progress report, relevant for others (e.g. common components, decisions, ...), in agenda (push to branch meeting_notes/04.04.2023)
  • Speak to your Buddy about decisions
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW14
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
  • Screen PermaplanT for the benefit that you personally want to achieve for your case study. Check, if your needs are met.
  • thesis: write methodology