Meeting 2023-11-27
- Markus
- Yvonne
- Jannis
- Daniel
- Adi
- Moritz
- Samuel
- Moritz & Samuel
- Adi & Daniel & Jannis
- 09:00 welcome, mood
- Protocol: Jannis
- Paul
- 0.3.7 release
- buddy talk code comments
- tailwind CSS linter
- weekly tasks:
- always review meeting notes afterwards
- sprint plan
- outlook
Tasks for Everyone
To be done until Friday 1.12.2023:
- buddy talk topic: How are you?
- do/update sprint plan
- approve meeting notes, check for requested reviews
If possible/needed, do:
- create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
- get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
- review of meeting PR
- do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions
- submit a (short) text in submissions
Individual Tasks
To be done until Friday 1.12.2023:
- Daniel: timeline mergen, UC issues weiter
- Jannis: push draft NC chat, PermaplanT: de+en plant names, (mehrjährige pflanzen, remove variety)
- Samuel: reviews, help others, ranking/language/tooltips, docu tests
- Moritz: polygon, snap tests with Samuel, broadcasting issue für Paul, (group instead of layers)
- Adi: e2e with Samuel
Not here:
- Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations
Meeting Notes
- Plants with is_tree should get a different icon (wavy lines).
- CSS tailwind parser needs more time for conclusion.
- changing to new test framework, Samuel should document outcome.
- Zoom in map editor should be different maybe faster steps per zoom as easiest solution.