- Scope: Landing Page
- Level: User Goal
- Actors: App User
- Brief: The user can read news written in a Nextcloud chat component
- Assignee: Samuel
- Precondition:
- Main success scenario:
The chat should look very similar to Nextcloud chat:
- highlight items when hovering
- group by date, show exact time (not 5 min ago)
Logged in users can:
- give reactions to posts
Chat features (in order of importance)
- show images
- text should be mark/copyable
- emoji
- reactions
- files
- reply
- directly share photo (take photo with phone)
- remove msg/reaction
- Alternative scenario:
- The user can subscribe the same content (chat) as RSS feed
- Error scenario:
- Postcondition:
- Non-functional Constraints:
- Extends Use Case: