Use Case: Copy & Paste Within the Same Map


  • Scope: All Layers, except Base
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can copy and paste a selection of elements, including succeeding crops, within one map.
  • Status: Andrei


  • Precondition: The user has opened the app on a key-controlled device and, on one of his maps, made a selection of elements that he wants to copy and paste into that same map.
  • Main success scenario:
    • The user copies the selection by pressing CTRL-C.
      The user clicks anywhere on that same map.
      The user pastes the copied selection into the map by pressing CTRL-V.
      The pasted selection of elements is placed in the map at the user's last click position right before pasting.
  • Alternative scenarios:
    • The user pastes a copied selection without having clicked anywhere else on the map after copying.
      The pasted selection is placed with a horizontal and vertical offset next to the copied selection.
    • The user pastes a copied selection several times in a row.
      The pasted selections are each placed with a horizontal and vertical offset next to each other.
    • The user pastes a copied selection while having other element(s) currently selected.
      The pasted selection is placed with a horizontal and vertical offset next to the currently selected element(s).
    • The user pastes a copied selection having the wrong layer selected and a warning appears advising the correct layer.
      The user selects the correct layer and successfully pastes that selection of elements into it.
    • The user presses CTRL-C without having anything selected.
      The user presses CTRL-V and no pasting happens because no elements have been copied.
    • In a step #1, the user presses CTRL-C on a selection of elements.
      In a step #2, The user unselects that selection by clicking anywhere else on the map.
      The user presses CTRL-C without having anything selected.
      The user presses CTRL-V.
      The, in step #1, copied selection of elements is pasted into the map, placed where the user clicked in step #2 to unselect the copied elements.
    • The user pastes a wrongly chosen selection of elements.
      The user uses the app's undo function to revert the pasting.
  • Error scenarios:
    • The user attempts to copy and paste a selection but the app is experiencing technical difficulties and is unable to complete the request, displaying an error message.
  • Postconditions:
    • The user's map contains the copied and pasted selection of elements.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Alternatives (selected elements depend on which alternative layer is selected)
    • Any copy & pasted element should have its own UUID in the map, i.e. it's a unique Konva node on the current canvas.
    • Left-click, middle-click and right-click should be accepted for setting the target position of the next pasting.
    • The shortcuts for copying and pasting (CTRL-C and CTRL-V) should be stored in a central place where future keybindings will be added too.
  • Linked Use Cases:

Development Progress

  1. (this usecase) Copy & Paste of Selection Within the Same Map
    This usecase should be done before any other Copy & Paste-related usecase.
    It will contain the core logic of copying and pasting.
  2. Copy & Paste of Selection via Icons
    It can reuse everything implemented in the first usecase one-to-one.
    Additionally it will add the logically-isolated possibility to copy and paste via icons plus the 'visibility-toggling' of the copy- and paste-icons' design.
  3. Copy & Paste of Selection Between a User's Own Maps / Copy & Paste of Selection Between Maps of Different Users
    Here, the storing of the copied elements will have to be moved from the app's map store to the client side, i.e. the browser's local storage.