ER diagram

Not all columns are included in the ER diagram. For a complete documentation of all columns, see table descriptions.


seeds {
  INT id PK
  INT plant_id FK "NOT NULL"
  TEXT name "NOT NULL"
  TEXT variety
  INT created_by "NOT NULL"

plants {
  INT id PK
  TEXT unique_name "NOT NULL"
  TEXT[] common_name_en
  TEXT[] common_name_de
  TEXT family

relations {
  INT plant1 PK
  INT plant2 PK

maps {
  INT id PK
  TEXT name "NOT NULL"
  UUID created_by "NOT NULL"
  GEOMETRY geometry "NOT NULL"

layers {
  UUID id PK
  INT map_id FK "NOT NULL"
  TEXT name "NOT NULL"

plantings {
    UUID id PK
    UUID layer_id FK "NOT NULL"
    INT plant_id FK "NOT NULL"
    INT x "NOT NULL"
    INT y "NOT NULL"

drawings {
    UUID id PK
    UUID layer_id FK "NOT NULL"
    INT x "NOT NULL"
    INT y "NOT NULL"

users {
  UUID id PK
  TEXT country "NOT NULL"
  EXPERIENCE experience
  MEMBERSHIP membership

guided_tours {
  UUID user_id PK
  BOOLEAN editor_tour_completed "NOT NULL"

blossoms {
  TEXT title PK
  TEXT description

gained_blossoms {
  UUID user_id PK
  TEXT blossom FK "NOT NULL"

base_layer_images {
  UUID id PK
  UUID layer_id FK "NOT NULL"
  TEXT path "NOT NULL"

plants ||--o{ seeds : ""
relations }o--|| plants : "plant1"
relations }o--|| plants : "plant2"
layers }|--|| maps : "belongs to"
plantings }o--|| layers : "planted on"
drawings }o--|| layers : "drawn on"
plantings }o--|| plants : ""
maps }o--|| users : "created by"
blossoms ||--o{ gained_blossoms : ""
gained_blossoms }o--|| users : "gained by"
users ||--o| guided_tours : "completed by"
base_layer_images }o--|| layers : "belongs to"
users ||--o{ seeds : ""
plantings }o--|| seeds : ""

Plants Table

For performance reasons, we decided to disable some unused columns in the plants table for now.

For more information, see: PR #644

The following columns are commented out for now:

  • genus: text
  • medicinal_uses: text
  • material_uses_and_functions: text
  • botanic: text
  • material_uses: text
  • soil_water_retention: soil_water_retention[]
  • environmental_tolerances: text[]
  • native_geographical_range: text
  • native_environment: text
  • flower_colour: text
  • flower_type: flower_type
  • plant_references: text[]
  • is_tree: boolean
  • nutrition_demand: nutrition_demand
  • article_last_modified_at: timestamp without time zone
  • diseases: text
  • germination_temperature: text
  • introduced_into: text
  • habitus: text
  • medicinal_parts: text
  • native_to: text
  • plants_for_a_future: text
  • plants_of_the_world_online_link: text
  • plants_of_the_world_online_link_synonym: text
  • pollination: text
  • propagation_transplanting_en: text
  • resistance: text
  • root_type: text
  • seed_planting_depth_en: text
  • seed_viability: text
  • slug: text
  • utility: text
  • when_to_plant_cuttings_en: text
  • when_to_plant_division_en: text
  • when_to_plant_transplant_en: text
  • when_to_sow_indoors_en: text
  • sowing_outdoors_en: text
  • when_to_start_indoors_weeks: text
  • when_to_start_outdoors_weeks: text
  • cold_stratification_temperature: text
  • cold_stratification_time: text
  • days_to_harvest: text
  • habitat: text
  • spacing_en: text
  • wikipedia_url: text
  • days_to_maturity: text
  • pests: text
  • germination_time: text
  • description: text
  • parent_id: text
  • external_id: text
  • external_url: text
  • root_depth: text
  • external_article_number: text
  • external_portion_content: text
  • sowing_outdoors_de: text
  • spacing_de: text
  • required_quantity_of_seeds_de: text
  • required_quantity_of_seeds_en: text
  • seed_planting_depth_de: text
  • seed_weight_1000_de: text
  • seed_weight_1000_en: text
  • machine_cultivation_possible: boolean
  • edible_uses_de: text