Use Case: Map Timeline Single Selection


  • Scope: Map View
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can view the map at different points in time by using the timeline feature.
  • Assignee: Daniel Steinkogler


  • Precondition:
    • The user has opened the app and selected a map.
    • The timeline shows the current date.
  • Main success scenario:
    • A timeline is presented to the user which allows them to select year, month and day.
    • Year, month and day can be individually selected by scrolling, moving sliders or clicking on the elements.
    • This allows navigation to a different point in the past, present and future.
    • The map updates to show the state of the garden at the selected point in time (removing or adding elements accordingly).
    • Adding or removing elements is done on the selected date.
    • The selected date is highlighted.
    • The sliders are synchronized, i.e., if the user scrolls the day slider over the last day of the month, the month slider is updated to the next month.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The user corrects the dates in the attributes of elements or presses undo to undo changes in the dates.
  • Error scenario:
  • Postcondition: The user has successfully changed to the desired date.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Performance: data in up to 100 years should be fast to use
  • Note:
    • Single Date Selection must always be an exact date so we have a well-known date (reference point) when elements got added to the map.

Development Progress

  • Changing the map's date is currently implemented with a simple date picker in Timeline.tsx and sub-components.
    The related logic in the MapStore can be found here
  • the new version of the timeline should allow user to select date by scrolling or moving sliders