Use Case: Suggest Plants
- Scope: Plants Layer
- Level: User Goal
- Actors: App User
- Brief: The user gets plant suggestions that she would not have thought of herself.
- Assignee: Lukas
- The user has opened the app.
- The plants layer is enabled.
- Plant(s) or a position on the map are selected.
Main success scenario:
A choice of plants that
- work well with already placed plants and
- fit the environmental conditions
- have a high ecological value
are presented to the user. Further more, the plants should be grouped by:
- available inventory with early expiration days first
- favourites of users
- and lastly which were recently planted
Within those suggestions the user can see what plants go well with each other.
The user can see why these plants have a high ecological value. e.g.:
- Attracts wildlife
- Attracts pollinating insects
- Is a nitrogen fixer
- Is a cover crop
- Are less commonly planted
- etc.
Alternative scenario:
- No plant(s) or position are selected.
- Polyculture groups that fit the environmental conditions are suggested.
Error scenario:
- In case of any technical errors the users is notified about these.
- When there are no matches due to too many constraints the user is informed that she has to remove a plant and try again.
- The user can consider plants she would have never though of herself.
Non-functional Constraints:
- Performance