Meeting 2023-07-04

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 30.6.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Submissions submit&2x review: abstract (4 sentences: context, problem, method, results) & conclusion (or TISS abstract)
  • Update sprint plan
  • Create PR in submissions updating with deadlines and all remaining tasks
  • Create PR updating doc/
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs in main repo
  • Read already-merged architecture part V available as mdbook, see main to build

Bug Squashing

Please help fixing known bugs and UI issues until Friday 30.6.2023

In same PR:

  • also remove pan
  • tooltip not an selected plant and partly not visible and too small

New issues needed:

  • "hello" appears quite often -> Paul
  • texts: remove "Edit attributes", "Drag and drop" -> Pflanzen/Planting, "Layers" -> Ebenen; -> Moritz
  • layer tutorial -> Thorben

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 30.6.2023:

  • Thorben: UC map creation done, UC gain blossoms
  • Paul: UC plant layer, UC time line
  • Samuel: NC file picker, NC decision, NC hierarchy, UC photo layer
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure
  • Adi: npm doc, mdbook deployment, (versioning)
  • Felix:
  • Markus: release
  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import of "sizes" (alternatives UC)
  • Gabriel: business logic: heat map, plant relations, API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), map polygon API
  • Moritz: edit plant properties, grid 10Pixel/10cm, finish UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend, UC shade layer


  • Felix
  • Paul (Protokoll done)
  • Samuel (Protokoll done)
  • Thorben (Protokoll done)
  • Adi
  • Giancarlo
  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Lukas

Cannot come:

  • Gabriel (Protokoll done)
  • Moritz (Protokoll done)
  • Christoph (Protokoll done)


  • Lukas & Felix & Adi
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol: Felix
  • Elevator Pitch what you do
  • case study: use real data: base map, plantings, ...
  • technicalities:
    • matrix vs. image II (we use PNG)
    • versioning
    • test strategy: test protocol for getting UC done
    • dev workflow, self-reflection: get more efficient
    • Docker compose?
    • use random lines in Changelog
  • sprint plan
  • outlook
  • netidee

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 7.7.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Submissions submit&2x review: intro & transitions
  • buddy talk: case study
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs in main repo
  • Read Test Strategy and update of DoD

Outlook: User Study

Please help fixing known bugs and blocking issues for user study until Friday 7.7.2023

  • #151 Personifying Error Messages -> Thorben
  • #570 improve texts (remove "Edit attributes", "Drag and drop" -> Pflanzen/Planting, "Layers" -> Ebenen) -> Thorben
  • #547 Edit Planting's Dates in Sidebar
  • #541 plant icons shine through
  • plantings: mouse partially over tooltip -> Paul
  • labels for active layer via toolbar, "tags" icon -> Samuel
  • eraser/trash -> Samuel
  • nicht proportionales resize verbieten

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 7.7.2023:

  • Thorben: UC map creation done, UC gain blossoms
  • Paul: UC time line, UC plant layer (relations&heatmap)
  • Samuel: base layer persist, NC file picker, NC hierarchy, UC photo layer, CORS
  • Adi: #504 frontend BASE_URL, cargo build, (versioning)
  • Felix:
  • Markus: netidee
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure, CORS
  • Gabriel: business logic: heat map, plant relations, API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), map polygon API
  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import of "sizes" (alternatives UC)
  • Moritz: edit plant properties, grid 10Pixel/10cm, finish UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend, UC shade layer


-show us of programmed code, with real data -shared dir 'Biology/Template_Map.jpg' for example with real data -everyone build own map in PermaplanT -Thorben check text in PermaplanT -Samuel change icons of plants

-protocl for tests of implementations -thesis focus on question, not technical implementation