Meeting 2023-03-31
Protocolled by: Moritz
- Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
- Paul
- Samuel
- Moritz
- Thorben
09:00 Hello
SVG (Tomato)
- check: svg on Konva
- Tomato_vector_transparent_background.kra
i18n (German/English) -> we use react i18next with static keys
common components
- document in storybook
tailwind configuration
- no description for layer buttons
- drag and drop for reordering the layers
- arrow for collapsing group
- add vertical dropdown for deleting
next steps (old meeting):
- Giancarlo: svg on Konva, mockup
- Samuel: Color Schema, landing page
- Giancarlo: news
- Moritz: time line
- Samuel: slogan, UI plant use case
- corp. design
- Yvonne: logo
- Thorben: prim+sec color, 9-10 shades
- Giancarlo: margins
- Paul: section heading, shadows, layout improvement
next steps:
- Moritz: review
- Paul: translation
- Samuel: typewriter
- Thorben: colors