Meeting 15.04.2024
- Markus
- Yvonne
- Christoph
- Moritz
- Lukas
- Daniel
- Jannis
Not here:
- Filip
- Andrei (Scrum Master)
- Daniel & Andrei
- Moritz & Christoph
- Jannis & Lukas
- 09:00 start
- protocol: Daniel
- release v0.4.0 done
- GitLab Tuwien migration
- scrum with Andrei:
- issues
- reviews -> later
- (manual) e2e tests -> later Christoph+Filip
- create issues:
- rework notification system (Jannis+Andrei)
- Jannis: raw SQL
- sprint plan
Tasks for Everyone
To be done until Friday 19.04.2024:
- create or update TISS.txt in submissions repo
- buddy talk: scoping with mistakes
- approve meeting PR
- request and approve for requested reviews requested reviews
- do/update sprint plan
Individual Tasks
To be done until Friday 19.04.2024:
- Daniel: finish timeline, drawing
- Filip: GitLab migration
- Jannis: creation times, create issues: (1) tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata + (2) what interface should any layer have), (3) notification profilen (4) drawing layer db design, (5) unify layer design
- Christoph: SQL heatmap benchmark, hierarchy PR
- Lukas: documenting how to create+test layers, create issues: investigate performance (profile)
- Moritz: heatmap rebase, meeting refactoring, issues restructure, write if all stale branches can be removed
- Andrei: create issues
Meeting Notes
- great job with release, please rebase your PRs
- christoph asked if properties should be able to get overwritten in child ranks of plants -> will be discussed in separate meeting. Christoph and Lukas should attend.
- automatic hierarchy based on unique name
- usually no new properties or plants (apart from adding to CSV)
- drawing layer PR will be created so that handling can be tested
- groupfolder for nextcloud images has to be implemented, so that images on one map can be shared between different users
- we shouldn't have to many different tasks in progress but always enough issues created to always have enough for next sprints