Meeting 2023-11-06


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Moritz
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Adi

Not here:

  • Samuel
  • Jannis (Protocol done)


  • Moritz & Samuel
  • Jannis & Christoph N.
  • Adi & Daniel


  • 09:00 welcome, mood
  • Christoph N. nearly finished
  • buddy talk
  • Protocol: Moritz
  • PermaplanT 0.3.5
    • fix planting of seeds
    • usability improvements and multi-select
  • Conclusions/current state of:
    • UI guidelines (reviews missing)
    • key bindings
    • layers vs. groups -> change to groups
  • PRs review and merge
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 10.11.2023:

  • vote for
  • review of guidelines
  • get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • do/update sprint plan
  • do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions
  • submit a (short) text in submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 10.11.2023:

  • Daniel: keybinding decisions/concept+refactoring, refactoring, plant notes, prepare timeline for feedback

  • Moritz: finish PRs snap tests #1038, base layer finish (scaling, polygon)

  • Adi: master fix, timeline fix, Release Prep, E2E merge: seeds test

Not here:

  • Jannis: finish NC chat, milestone plan, Dockerfile neues Rust, mehrjährige pflanzen, remove variety
  • Samuel: reviews, landing page for mobile
  • Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations

Meeting Notes

Regarding the next release:

The following PRs should be included:

421 Keybinding refactoring.

Markdown editor in seeds page.

Base Layer auto scaling

Usability guideline; it has to be reviewed by all team members before merging.

The following major PRs/issues have been completed:

Seeds can now be planted on the map.

Usability improvements by Christoph

There are still a few open PRs assigned to Christoph.

These should be fixed by the remaining team.

Layers or the map planning system should be refactored to be more testable.