Meeting 2023-03-21

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Paul (new)
  • Samuel
  • Gabriel
  • Moritz
  • Lukas
  • Ramzan
  • Benjamin
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Cannot come:

  • (Thorben)


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Benjamin & Paul


These tasks are to be done ideally this week and at latest the day before the meeting

  • Add at least one question/action points in agenda
  • Speak to your Buddy
  • Create a PR with research questions in private submissions repo below your_name folder
  • Push your_name/TISS.txt file in private submissions repo with following entries (to be used in your application for the bachelor thesis in TISS)
    • Matrikelnummer+Studium
    • Beginndatum
    • Erwartetes Ende (latest June)
    • Titel (Deutsch+Englisch)
    • Beschreibung/Abstract (Deutsch+Englisch)
    • Schlagwörter (Deutsch+Englisch) (/ separated )
  • Speak to your Buddy
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW12
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs (main repo and submissions)
  • Finalize use cases (check what is open in #1)


  • 09:00 welcome
    • hello Paul ☺️
    • celebrate Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • activity
  • what is your case study? (use PermaplanT yourself)
  • SVG Tomato (NC Icons/Tomato.svg)
  • spoke with buddy? second buddy?
  • Project Planning for next iteration
  • enable GitHub+NC notifications
  • How many PRs did you review?
  • More active and faster in reviews
    • add which PRs to review
    • every PR should get 2 reviews
    • look for "please review" labels
  • landing page
  • Milestones
    • KW14: introduction&methods, implementation mostly done (eastern)
    • KW17: related work, implementation finished
    • KW20: abstract&conclusion, RQs answered
    • KW23: submission of complete thesis, all tasks done (only fixing of unknown bugs remains)
    • you can always do more
  • short news from our focus teams
    • UI
    • Polyculture
    • Gamification
    • DB
  • next meetings
    • Thursday 9:00 Backend Kick-Off (Gabriel, Nursultan, Benjamin, Ramzan)
  • finalize use cases
  • assignment of one use cases
  • final round: "what is your case study?"
    • Benjamin: linting&auto-formatting
    • Gabriel: API documentation+ORM
    • Giancarlo: finish seed use case
    • Lukas: CI, (release)
    • Moritz: finish seed use case
    • Nursultan: feasibility study+architecture document
    • Paul: Finish seed use case, Frontend
    • Ramzan: Database Guidelines, Feasability, 1. QGis, 2. Projizieren, 3. Rastering
    • Samuel: Landing Page, NC Decision Document


To be done within this week (24.03.2023):

  • Socratic questioning on your and other PRs (see in submissions)
  • Create your own milestone plan and create PR to submissions
  • Look at one of the examples thesis in submissions
  • Add at least one question and a progress report in agenda (push to branch meeting_notes/28.03.2023)
  • Read all usecases, progress report which ones you find interesting
  • Speak to your Buddy: what will your case study be?
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW13
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs (main repo and submissions)

Questions and Help Needed:


  • Discuss the usage of a documentation generator (like Doxygen, but for TS/Rust).

    • Potential TS options:

    • Potential Rust options:

      • rustdoc Note: seems to be the default/offial and only documentation method


  • welcome & warmup game
  • what is your case study? (use PermaplanT yourself)
    • discuss with buddy
    • collaborate
    • how you can use PermaplanT? e.g. draw your garden
  • GitHub project
    • should be up-to-date
    • before the meeting update the status of your tasks
    • discuss what is done during the meeting
  • archived old issues
  • sprint is always 1 week
  • "In progress" state
    • only for issues that are currently worked on, not for issues that are planned to be worked on
    • do not push too many issues to "in progress"
  • discussed tasks for the current sprint
  • feel free to tag somebody for a review (buddy, focus group, etc.)
    • get involved in the PRs
    • long-term: take a look at all PRs and find works related to you to give a review
    • applies also for the "submissions" repo
    • "please review" label
      • put it to your own PRs
      • once a week check for other PRs that have the label
  • milestones (calendar weeks described in agenda section)
  • news/updates from focus groups
  • next meetings(see agenda)
  • read all use cases and think about which one you want to work on
  • "Submissions" repo:
    • socratic questioning
    • do at least 2 reviews
    • as a reviewer ask yourself socratic questions

Progress Reports:

Focus Group 'Gamification'

  • We defined the primary goals of the game aspect of PermaplanT (increasing positive gardening behaviour, encouraging collaboration on maps, providing a fun environment for class room learning).
  • We identified a usage scenario in citizen science: multiple growers, potentially working with experts, working together to evaluate and optimize known companions and their performance through a serious game type of parallel simulations and real-life analysis of the results.
  • We brainstormed a list of potential use cases around this citizen science scenario and the idea of collaboration on a shared map to help lesser experienced gardeners with their design through various forms of reviews.

Focus Group 'Polyculture'

  • We are developing the app for the middle european climate zone.
  • We have to define plant traits we want to focus on for trait based matching.
  • We need to find high quality data on plant traits and known companions.


  1. persistent undo when deleting a map/plant etc. #90
    • ready from my side and waiting of Lukas to complete the decision with exact solution for cron jobs
  2. confidence and strength of specific relations (e.g. buddy, dislike, ...) and attributes (e.g. wind, ...) #88
    • ready for review
    • suggestion from Benjamin. detailed explanation and example queries needed
  3. undo-redo functionality of the map #91
    • research is in progress
  4. import of data #102
    • waiting for the data, either CSV or API keys
  5. scrape #103
    • planned for this week