Meeting 2023-05-23

Protocolled by: Moritz


  • Moritz (Protokoll)
  • Gabriel
  • Samuel
  • Paul
  • Lukas
  • Felix
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Nicht da:

  • Giancarlo
  • Ramzan


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Felix
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 26.5.2023 (except of text):

  • Talk to buddies: tooling for benchmarks etc.
  • Push at least a very short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/23.05.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions
  • create PR in submissions with one two sentences of any text until 17.05.2023
  • review 2 other thesis by writing at least following 3 points:
    1. shortly say what you think that the author wanted to say
    2. which sentence was the most difficult one to read
    3. which are the (main) terms and are they used consistently

Individual Tasks

To be done until 26.5.2023:

  • Paul: UC timeline
  • Gabriel: UC plant search, (log)
  • Samuel: UC auth, frontend auth, state refactoring, (components documentation)
  • Moritz: UC base layer with fixed scale, DB review, (postgis?)
  • Giancarlo: UC plants, copy&paste (nach redo), drawing layer integrate, seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)
  • Thorben: UC map creation, map properties
  • Ramzan: PostGIS
  • Lukas: PR permaplant, auth docu, (cargo)
  • Felix: pre-commit, (priority, emails)
  • Yvonne: Pavlo,
  • Markus: use cases restructure

UC refers to a use case should be ddone within this sprint.


  • 09:00 welcome
  • permaculture principles
  • protocol: Moritz
  • buddy talk: toolings
  • Changelogs
  • sprint plan
  • reporting CI issues:
    • retrigger, see doc/
    • create issue with error message
    • on urgent cases contact Lukas or Felix
  • last decisions
  • improve use cases
  • immediately fix CI problems/reviews in your PRs (as you want fast CI times/reviews)
  • how to review


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items below:

  • Markus:
    • improve use cases:
  • Paul:
    • architecture:
  • Gabriel:
    • backend auth: (merged into frontend auth, see Samuel's comment below)
    • plants full-text search:
    • more integration tests:
  • Samuel:
    • frontend auth:
      • axios configuration wrapper in 'frontend/src/axios' import and call createAPI() for requests to the backend and createNextcloudAPI() for requests to Nextcloud example:
        import { createAPI } from "@/config/axios";
        const http = createAPI();
        try {
          await<SeedDto>("/api/seeds", seed);
        } catch (error) {
          throw error as Error;
  • Moritz:
  • base layer:
  • Implement feedback on base layer PR
  • Get PostGIS to work (somewhat)
  • Discuss goals for this feature


  • Talk to buddies: tooling for benchmarks etc.

  • Push at least a very short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/30.05.2023

  • Update sprint plan

  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions

  • create PR in submissions with one two sentences of any text until 17.05.2023

  • review 2 other thesis by writing at least following 3 points:

    1. shortly say what you think that the author wanted to say
    2. which sentence was the most difficult one to read
    3. which are the (main) terms and are they used consistently

    Outlook Tasks

  • Moritz: UC base layer with fixed scale, DB review, (postgis?)

  • Paul: UC timeline, offline

  • Gabriel: UC plant search, decision, (log)

  • Samuel: UC auth, frontend auth, state refactoring, (components documentation)

  • Thorben: UC map creation, map properties, membership application

  • Giancarlo: UC plants, copy&paste (nach redo), drawing layer integrate, seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)

  • Ramzan: PostGIS

  • Lukas: auth ansible, (cargo)

  • Felix: pre-commit, priority, (emails)

  • Yvonne: Plant Relations

  • Markus: use cases mergen, nextcloud migration

UC refers to a use case should be done within this sprint.

Meeting Notes

  • Warmup Game: Permaculture principles
  • Buddies
  • Some restructuring
  • Ramzan is no longer part of PermaplanT
  • Gabriel and Thorben are in a group
  • Lukas and Felix are in a group
  • Tooling:
  • Paul and Samuel:
  • React Dev Tools and Chromium Lighthouse seem to be handy for evaluating frontend performance
  • Change log:
  • Should also contain changes that are not reflected in GitHub PRs (e.g. changes to Dockerfiles)
  • Toolbar integration:
  • There are two slots per component in BaseStage where configurations can be added.
  • In the left toolbar: just hook into the button events
  • Details will be added Samuel
  • Error messages:
  • Make it hard to do things wrong and if thats not possible provide descriptive error messages
  • Progress reports:
  • Client Authentication: If the backend is not reachable, the website should still function.
  • Base Layer: goes back to in Progress to integrate with new layers toolbars
  • DB Schema: more reviews required
  • Testing strategy: merge auth change before this PR
  • Use cases have been restructured:
  • Organized into folders akin to our Kanban board
  • Usecases should be moved as required
  • Status in Summary has been removed
  • If build fails:
  • Retrigger build according to documentation
  • If that fails, open an isse
  • Lukas/Felix will be responsible to fix said issue
  • Decisions:
  • News: research how to implement RSS feed
  • Paul shold research offline vs collaborative undo/redo
  • Membership onboarding should be done via keycloak
  • Thorben volunteered to look at onboarding in keycloak
  • Gabriel was assigned to look at SMTP integration
  • Thesis Reviews
  • More reviews wuld be great