macro_rules! forward_error { ($ty:ty) => { ... }; ($ty:ty => $field:ident) => { ... }; }
Expand description
Implements Error
for structs and forwards the source
implementation to one of its fields.
Emitted code is not compatible with #[no_std]
Newtype structs can omit the field identifier.
For newtype struct:
use std::error::Error as _;
struct MyError(eyre::Report);
let err = MyError(eyre::eyre!("something went wrong"));
assert_eq!(err.source().unwrap().to_string(), "something went wrong");
For struct with named field:
use std::error::Error as _;
struct MyError {
cause: eyre::Report,
impl_more::forward_display!(MyError => cause);
impl_more::forward_error!(MyError => cause);
let err = MyError { cause: eyre::eyre!("something went wrong") };
assert_eq!(err.source().unwrap().to_string(), "something went wrong");
This macro does not yet support use with generic error wrappers.