Manual Test Protocol

  • Description: Show a selection of plants if the search input is empty.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I have an empty search box
  • Then I can see various plants as results
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:


  • Description: Test whether the heatmap endpoints generates the image correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I start planting a plant
  • Then I see suitable places for that plant
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer opacity

  • Description: Check whether the opacity of a layer changes.
  • Given I am on a map page with a base layer image configured
  • When dragging the slider for the base layer in the layer section of the toolbar to 50%
  • Then I can see the change in opacity of the base layer image
  • When I change the size of the toolbar
  • Then I can see the slider and the filling change in size proportionally. Therefore 50% of the slider should be filled.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Base Layer

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • Then I can see the base layer image on the canvas
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Base Layer: move image

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • When I increase the base layers x position in steps of 1, 1.1 and 1.11 (or other decimal numbers)
  • Then I can see the base layer image is moved to the right
  • When I decrease the base layers x position in steps of -1, -1.1 and -1.11 (or other negative decimal numbers)
  • Then I can see the base layer image is moved to the left
  • When I increase the base layers y position in steps of 1, 1.1 and 1.11 (or other decimal numbers)
  • Then I can see the base layer image is moved up
  • When I decrease the base layers y position in steps of -1, -1.1 and -1.11 (or other negative decimal numbers)
  • Then I can see the base layer image is moved down
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:


  • Description: Display a point grid on the screen.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I Zoom in or out
  • Then the grid spacing is changing
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Check whether the Guided Tour leaves the Map Editor in its original state.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I do the Guided Tour
  • Then after I have done the Guided Tour the map is the same as before
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: Check if all actions can be done as described.

Additional name on map: plant labels

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • Then I can see the additional name on the label when hovering over the plant.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map in parallel.

Additional name on map: left toolbar

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • When I click on the new plant icon.
  • Then I can see the additional name in the left toolbars heading.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map in parallel.

Additional name on map: updates

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • When I go to the inventory page and change the seeds name.
  • Then I can see the changes in the plant label and left toolbar.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map.

Layer Management: Initial Order of Layers

  • Description: Test initial order of layers
  • When I create a new map
  • Then Base Layer is at bottom of layer list and Plant Layer is on top of layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Correct konva rendering of layer order on new map

  • Description: Test correct rendering order of konva layers.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I add a background image in Base Layer
  • When I add an overlapping rectangle in Drawing Layer
  • When I add an overlapping plant in plant layer
  • Then Plant in is front of rectangle and rectangle is in front of background image
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be renamed.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I rename the Drawing Layer
  • Then The new name is visible in the layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Creation of new layer

  • Description: Test if new layer can be created.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I select a layer and create a new one
  • Then The new layer is visible above currently selected layer
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Change order of layers

  • Description: Test if the order of layers can be updated correctly.
  • Given I am on a map with 2 drawing layers with overlapping rectangles
  • When I select the upper Drawing Layer and move it below the other one
  • Then The order in the layer list is updated and the rectangle of the new upper drawing layer is shown in front of the lower one on the map.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Delete Drawing Layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be deleted
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a Drawing Layer.
  • When I delete the Drawing Layer
  • Then The layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if deletion of Plant layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Deletion of Base layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map.

Layer Management: Initial Order of Layers

  • Description: Test initial order of layers
  • When I create a new map
  • Then Base Layer is at bottom of layer list and Plant Layer is on top of layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Correct konva rendering of layer order on new map

  • Description: Test correct rendering order of konva layers.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I add a background image in Base Layer
  • When I add a rectangle in Drawing Layer
  • When I add a plant in plant layer
  • Then Plant in is front of rectangle and rectangle is in front of background image
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be renamed.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I rename the Drawing Layer
  • Then The new name is visible in the layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Creation of new layer

  • Description: Test if new layer can be created.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I select a layer and create a new one
  • Then The new layer is visible above currently selected layer
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Change order of layers

  • Description: Test if the order of layers can be updated correctly.
  • Given I am on a map with 2 drawing layers with overlapping rectangles
  • When I select the upper Drawing Layer and move it below the other one
  • Then The order in the layer list is updated and the rectangle of the new upper drawing layer is shown in front of the lower one on the map.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Delete Drawing Layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be deleted
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a Drawing Layer.
  • When I delete the Drawing Layer
  • Then The layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if deletion of Plant layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Deletion of Base layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Undo deletion

  • Description: Test if deleted layer can be restored
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a drawing layer.
  • When I delete the drawing layer
  • Then Layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • When I press undo
  • Then Layer appears again at same position as it was before deletion and drawings are visible again.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Top layer cannot be moved up

  • Description: Test if the top layer cannot be moved up
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the top layer.
  • Then Button to to move layer up is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Bottom layer cannot be moved down

  • Description: Test if the bottom layer cannot be moved down
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the bottom layer.
  • Then Button to to move layer down is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Renaming of Plant layer is not possible
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to rename layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Renaming of Base layer is not possible
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to rename layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Shade layer: add shading

  • Description: Add a new Shading to the map.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active
  • When I click on the 'Light' button
  • When I click on the map
  • Then I can see that a new shading was added
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: Repeat this test for all Shading types

Shade layer: remove shading

  • Description: Remove a Shading from the map.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I click on 'Delte' in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a new shading was deleted
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: edit shade type

  • Description: Change the shade of a shading.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select different shade from the drop-down menu in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that the shade is changed successfully
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: select each shading type at least once

Shade layer: set creation date in the future

  • Description: Update the date from which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the future
  • Then I can see that the shading is no longer shown on the map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Measurement: Measure a distance

  • Description: Test whether distance can be measured successfully
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • Then I see a measurement line
  • Then I see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement without deleting measurements

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • Then the measurement layer is no longer active
  • Then I can still see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement and delete all measurement lines

  • Description: Verify that measured distances disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the measurement button.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the measurement button in the toolbar
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Delete measurements after measurement mode is deactivated

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Map Overview: More than 30 Layers should be visible

  • Description: Test that pagination works on the map overview screen
  • Given I am on the map overview screen
  • When I create more than 30 maps
  • Then I can see all maps after scrolling to the bottom of the page.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Measure a distance

  • Description: Test whether distance can be measured successfully
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • Then I see a measurement line
  • Then I see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement without deleting measurements

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • Then the measurement layer is no longer active
  • Then I can still see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement and delete all measurement lines

  • Description: Verify that measured distances disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the measurement button.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the measurement button in the toolbar
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Measurement: Delete measurements after measurement mode is deactivated

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Shade layer: set removal date in the future

  • Description: Update the date from which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the past
  • When I select a removal date in the future
  • Then I can see that the shading is shown on the map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: set removal date in the past

  • Description: Update the date until which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the past
  • When I select a removal date in the past after the creation date
  • Then I can see that the shading is no longer shown on the map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: add polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the pencil button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I click anywhere on the map
  • Then I can see that a point has been added to the nearest polygon edge
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: remove polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the eraser button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I click on a polygon point
  • Then I can see that the point has been removed from the polygon
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: move polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the cursor button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I drag and release a polygon point
  • Then I can see that the point is now at a new position
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:
  • Description: Appropriate maps should be displayed for each search term
  • Given I am on a map overview page
  • When I search for as map using the search field
  • Then the maps are filtered appropriately
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Map Deletion

  • Description: A map should no longer be available after it has been deleted.
  • Given I am on a map overview page
  • When I delete a map
  • Then the map is no longer available in the overview
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Heatmap: Plant layer should be above heatmap

  • Description: Verify that the PLant Layer is above the Heatmap Layer
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I place some tomatoes on the map
  • When I select a potato and try to place it near the tomatoes so that heatmap is shown
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the plants
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Heatmap: Change position of plant layer

  • Description: Verify that the heatmap changes its position when the plant layer is moved in priority
  • Given I am on a map page where plant layer is above an drawing layer
  • When I place some tomatoes on the plant layer
  • When I draw a filled rectangle on the drawing layer so that it overlaps with the tomatoes
  • When I select a potato and try to place it near the tomatoes so that heatmap is shown
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the plants and above the rectangle
  • When I move the plant layer below the drawing layer
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the rectangle and below the plants
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Seed creation

  • Description: Adding more entries to the inventory overview
  • Given I am logged in and have already added entries
  • When I submit the form for seed creation
  • Then I see my newly added entry in the overview
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Seed creation with more than 30 objects

  • Description: After creating 30 seeds, everything should be shown correctly on the overview page.
  • Given I am logged in and add 30 valid seeds.
  • When I go to my inventory
  • Then I see all my newly added seeds in the overview.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Edit seed name

  • Description: After renaming a seed, the new name should be visible in the seed overview.
  • Given I am logged in and edit a seed name.
  • When I go to my inventory
  • Then I see the new name of the edited seed.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Archive seed

  • Description: After archiving a seed, it should be removed from the overview or marked as archived
  • Given I am logged in and archive a seed.
  • When I go to my inventory
  • Then I don't see the archived seed anymore, or it is marked as archived.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:

Restore an archived seed

  • Description: After restoring an archived seed, it should be added to the overview again
  • Given I am logged in and visited the inventory page
  • When I archive a seed and then restore it
  • Then I see the restored seed again.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: