Trait actix_web::dev::Transform

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pub trait Transform<S, Req> {
    type Response;
    type Error;
    type Transform: Service<Req, Response = Self::Response, Error = Self::Error>;
    type InitError;
    type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>;

    // Required method
    fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future;
Expand description

Defines the interface of a service factory that wraps inner service during construction.

Transformers wrap an inner service and runs during inbound and/or outbound processing in the service lifecycle. It may modify request and/or response.

For example, a timeout service wrapper:

pub struct Timeout<S> {
    service: S,
    timeout: Duration,

impl<S: Service<Req>, Req> Service<Req> for Timeout<S> {
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = TimeoutError<S::Error>;
    type Future = TimeoutServiceResponse<S>;


    fn call(&self, req: Req) -> Self::Future {
        TimeoutServiceResponse {
            sleep: Sleep::new(clock::now() + self.timeout),

This wrapper service is decoupled from the underlying service implementation and could be applied to any service.

The Transform trait defines the interface of a service wrapper. Transform is often implemented for middleware, defining how to construct a middleware Service. A Service that is constructed by the factory takes the Service that follows it during execution as a parameter, assuming ownership of the next Service.

A transform for the Timeout middleware could look like this:

pub struct TimeoutTransform {
    timeout: Duration,

impl<S: Service<Req>, Req> Transform<S, Req> for TimeoutTransform {
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = TimeoutError<S::Error>;
    type InitError = S::Error;
    type Transform = Timeout<S>;
    type Future = Ready<Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>;

    fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future {
        ready(Ok(Timeout {
            timeout: self.timeout,

Required Associated Types§


type Response

Responses produced by the service.


type Error

Errors produced by the service.


type Transform: Service<Req, Response = Self::Response, Error = Self::Error>

The TransformService value created by this factory


type InitError

Errors produced while building a transform service.


type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self::Transform, Self::InitError>>

The future response value.

Required Methods§


fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future

Creates and returns a new Transform component, asynchronously

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T, S, Req> Transform<S, Req> for Rc<T, Global>where T: Transform<S, Req>,


type Response = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Response


type Error = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Error


type Transform = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform


type InitError = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError


type Future = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Future


fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Future


impl<T, S, Req> Transform<S, Req> for Arc<T, Global>where T: Transform<S, Req>,


type Response = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Response


type Error = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Error


type Transform = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform


type InitError = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError


type Future = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Future


fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> <T as Transform<S, Req>>::Future



impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for Compresswhere B: MessageBody, S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>,


impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for DefaultHeaderswhere S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>, S::Future: 'static,


impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for ErrorHandlers<B>where S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error> + 'static, S::Future: 'static, B: 'static,


impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for Loggerwhere S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>, B: MessageBody,


type Response = ServiceResponse<StreamLog<B>>


type Error = Error


type Transform = LoggerMiddleware<S>


type InitError = ()


type Future = Ready<Result<<Logger as Transform<S, ServiceRequest>>::Transform, <Logger as Transform<S, ServiceRequest>>::InitError>>


impl<S, B> Transform<S, ServiceRequest> for NormalizePathwhere S: Service<ServiceRequest, Response = ServiceResponse<B>, Error = Error>, S::Future: 'static,


impl<S, T, Req> Transform<S, Req> for Compat<T>where S: Service<Req>, T: Transform<S, Req>, T::Future: 'static, T::Response: MapServiceResponseBody, T::Error: Into<Error>,


type Response = ServiceResponse<BoxBody>


type Error = Error


type Transform = CompatMiddleware<<T as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform>


type InitError = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError


type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<Compat<T> as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform, <Compat<T> as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError>>, Global>>


impl<S, T, Req, BE, BD, Err> Transform<S, Req> for Condition<T>where S: Service<Req, Response = ServiceResponse<BD>, Error = Err> + 'static, T: Transform<S, Req, Response = ServiceResponse<BE>, Error = Err>, T::Future: 'static, T::InitError: 'static, T::Transform: 'static,


type Response = ServiceResponse<EitherBody<BE, BD>>


type Error = Err


type Transform = ConditionMiddleware<<T as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform, S>


type InitError = <T as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError


type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<<Condition<T> as Transform<S, Req>>::Transform, <Condition<T> as Transform<S, Req>>::InitError>>, Global>>