
  • Tester: Stefanie, Christoph
  • Date/Time: 01.08.2024 19:26
  • Duration: 1h
  • Commit/Tag: a5658b7abfda3d4b990cb27d8119fd0ce7623d79
  • Setup: local dev
  • Planned tests: -52
  • Executed tests: -38 (skipped duplicates and no longer relevant tests)
  • ✔️Passed tests: -38
  • ⚠️Problematic tests: -0
  • ❌Failed tests: -0

Error Analysis

  • Class 1: Faulty specification
  • Class 2: System crash
  • Class 3: Essential functionality is faulty
  • Class 4: Functional deviation or limitation
  • Class 5: Minor deviation
  • Class 6: Cosmetic issue


  • Level 1: Immediate resolution
  • Level 2: Fix in next version
  • Level 3: Correction will be done opportunistically
  • Level 4: Correction planning is still open

Closing remarks

  • How is the current state of the software? Overall in a good state, improvements can be made on some features
  • Have the quality objectives been achieved? Mostly yes, for improvements see notes
  • What are the consequences drawn from the current state, including: how can future errors be avoided, how can the development process be improved? Same as on master test report: Usability tests, Mockups

Manual Test Protocol

Notes (not errors)

Currently there are no plants in the database on, so the test were done locally.

The scaling steps when zooming on the map are a bit harsh and could be improved by reducing the step size.

Loading indicator barely visible in dark mode

Scrollbar while changing shading type

Distance measurement:

  • Improve help message
  • Click on X in status panel or pressing escape adds another line

Improve manual tests:

  • Extend test by shades "Layer Management: Correct konva rendering of layer order on new map"
  • Move test "Map Editor Guided Tour" to top of list
  • Specify what are "Problematic tests"
  • 11 tests are duplicates (marked DUPLICATE)
  • Three tests are no longer relevant (marked NO LONGER RELEVANT)
  • Description: Show a selection of plants if the search input is empty.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I have an empty search box
  • Then I can see various plants as results
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:


  • Description: Test whether the heatmap endpoints generates the image correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I start planting a plant
  • Then I see suitable places for that plant
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer opacity

  • Description: Check whether the opacity of a layer changes.
  • Given I am on a map page with a base layer image configured
  • When dragging the slider for the base layer in the layer section of the toolbar to 50%
  • Then I can see the change in opacity of the base layer image
  • When I change the size of the toolbar
  • Then I can see the slider and the filling change in size proportionally. Therefore 50% of the slider should be filled.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Base Layer

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • Then I can see the base layer image on the canvas
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Base Layer: move image

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • When I increase the base layers x position
  • Then I can see the base layer image is moved to the right
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:


  • Description: Display a point grid on the screen.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I Zoom in or out
  • Then the grid spacing is changing
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Check whether the Guided Tour leaves the Map Editor in its original state.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I do the Guided Tour
  • Then after I have done the Guided Tour the map is the same as before
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: Check if all actions can be done as described.

Additional name on map: plant labels

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • Then I can see the additional name on the label when hovering over the plant.
  • Actual Result: ✔️
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map in parallel.

Additional name on map: left toolbar

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • When I click on the new plant icon.
  • Then I can see the additional name in the left toolbars heading.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map in parallel.

Additional name on map: updates

  • Description: Test additional names being displayed properly.
  • Given I am on the map page with the plants layer active
  • When I create a new plant from the inventory.
  • When I go to the inventory page and change the seeds name.
  • Then I can see the changes in the plant label and left toolbar.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map.

Layer Management: Initial Order of Layers

  • Description: Test initial order of layers
  • When I create a new map
  • Then Base Layer is at bottom of layer list and Plant Layer is on top of layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Correct konva rendering of layer order on new map

  • Description: Test correct rendering order of konva layers.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I add a background image in Base Layer
  • When I add an overlapping rectangle in Drawing Layer
  • When I add an overlapping plant in plant layer
  • Then Plant in is front of rectangle and rectangle is in front of background image
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be renamed.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I rename the Drawing Layer
  • Then The new name is visible in the layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Creation of new layer

  • Description: Test if new layer can be created.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I select a layer and create a new one
  • Then The new layer is visible above currently selected layer
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Change order of layers

  • Description: Test if the order of layers can be updated correctly.
  • Given I am on a map with 2 drawing layers with overlapping rectangles
  • When I select the upper Drawing Layer and move it below the other one
  • Then The order in the layer list is updated and the rectangle of the new upper drawing layer is shown in front of the lower one on the map.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Delete Drawing Layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be deleted
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a Drawing Layer.
  • When I delete the Drawing Layer
  • Then The layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if deletion of Plant layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Deletion of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Deletion of Base layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: The additional name must also be visible when a different account views the same map.

Layer Management: Initial Order of Layers

  • Description: Test initial order of layers
  • When I create a new map
  • Then Base Layer is at bottom of layer list and Plant Layer is on top of layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Correct konva rendering of layer order on new map

  • Description: Test correct rendering order of konva layers.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I add a background image in Base Layer
  • When I add a rectangle in Drawing Layer
  • When I add a plant in plant layer
  • Then Plant in is front of rectangle and rectangle is in front of background image
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Renaming of layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be renamed.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I rename the Drawing Layer
  • Then The new name is visible in the layer list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Creation of new layer

  • Description: Test if new layer can be created.
  • Given I am on a new map
  • When I select a layer and create a new one
  • Then The new layer is visible above currently selected layer
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Change order of layers

  • Description: Test if the order of layers can be updated correctly.
  • Given I am on a map with 2 drawing layers with overlapping rectangles
  • When I select the upper Drawing Layer and move it below the other one
  • Then The order in the layer list is updated and the rectangle of the new upper drawing layer is shown in front of the lower one on the map.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Delete Drawing Layer

  • Description: Test if Drawing Layer can be deleted
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a Drawing Layer.
  • When I delete the Drawing Layer
  • Then The layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Deletion of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if deletion of Plant layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Deletion of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Deletion of Base layer is disabled
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to delete layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Layer Management: Undo deletion

  • Description: Test if deleted layer can be restored
  • Given I am on a map with some drawing on a drawing layer.
  • When I delete the drawing layer
  • Then Layer disappears from layer list and drawings are deleted from map
  • When I press undo
  • Then Layer appears again at same position as it was before deletion and drawings are visible again.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Top layer cannot be moved up

  • Description: Test if the top layer cannot be moved up
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the top layer.
  • Then Button to to move layer up is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Bottom layer cannot be moved down

  • Description: Test if the bottom layer cannot be moved down
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the bottom layer.
  • Then Button to to move layer down is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of Plant Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Renaming of Plant layer is not possible
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Plant Layer
  • Then Button to rename layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Layer Management: Renaming of Base Layer not possible

  • Description: Test if Renaming of Base layer is not possible
  • Given I am on a new map.
  • When I select the Base Layer
  • Then Button to rename layer is disabled
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Shade layer: add shading

  • Description: Add a new Shading to the map.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active
  • When I click on the 'Light' button
  • When I click on the map
  • Then I can see that a new shading was added
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: Repeat this test for all Shading types

Shade layer: remove shading

  • Description: Remove a Shading from the map.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I click on 'Delte' in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a new shading was deleted
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️

Shade layer: edit shade type

  • Description: Change the shade of a shading.
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select different shade from the drop-down menu in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that the shade is changed successfully
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: select each shading type at least once

Shade layer: set creation date in the future

  • Description: Update the date from which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the future
  • Then I can see that the shading is no longer shown on the map
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️

Measurement: Measure a distance

  • Description: Test whether distance can be measured successfully
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • Then I see a measurement line
  • Then I see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement without deleting measurements

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • Then the measurement layer is no longer active
  • Then I can still see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement and delete all measurement lines

  • Description: Verify that measured distances disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the measurement button.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the measurement button in the toolbar
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Measurement: Delete measurements after measurement mode is deactivated

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Measurement: Measure a distance

  • Description: Test whether distance can be measured successfully
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • Then I see a measurement line
  • Then I see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Measurement: Cancel measurement without deleting measurements

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • Then the measurement layer is no longer active
  • Then I can still see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Measurement: Cancel measurement and delete all measurement lines

  • Description: Verify that measured distances disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the measurement button.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the measurement button in the toolbar
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Measurement: Delete measurements after measurement mode is deactivated

  • Description: Verify that measured distances don't disappear when the measurement mode is canceled using the button in the status panel.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • When I measure a distance
  • When I cancel the measurement mode using the status panel
  • When I click on the measurement button
  • Then I can no longer see the measured distance
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes: DUPLICATE

Shade layer: set removal date in the future

  • Description: Update the date from which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the past
  • When I select a removal date in the future
  • Then I can see that the shading is shown on the map
  • Actual Result: ✔️
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: set removal date in the past

  • Description: Update the date until which the shading should be active
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I select the current date in the timeline
  • When I select a creation date in the past
  • When I select a removal date in the past after the creation date
  • Then I can see that the shading is no longer shown on the map
  • Actual Result: ✔️
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: add polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the pencil button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I click anywhere on the map
  • Then I can see that a point has been added to the nearest polygon edge
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: remove polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the eraser button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I click on a polygon point
  • Then I can see that the point has been removed from the polygon
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:

Shade layer: move polygon point

  • Description: Edit the polygon of a shading
  • Given I am on the map page with the shade layer active and a Shading is selected
  • When I press the cursor button in the left toolbar
  • Then I can see that a message describing the selected action is shown in the status bar
  • Then I can see that a highlighted border is drawn around the polygon
  • When I drag and release a polygon point
  • Then I can see that the point is now at a new position
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result:
  • Notes:
  • Description: Appropriate maps should be displayed for each search term
  • Given I am on a map overview page
  • When I search for as map using the search field
  • Then the maps are filtered appropriately
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Map Deletion

  • Description: A map should no longer be available after it has been deleted.
  • Given I am on a map overview page
  • When I delete a map
  • Then the map is no longer available in the overview
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Heatmap: Plant layer should be above heatmap

  • Description: Verify that the PLant Layer is above the Heatmap Layer
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I place some tomatoes on the map
  • When I select a potato and try to place it near the tomatoes so that heatmap is shown
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the plants
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

Heatmap: Change position of plant layer

  • Description: Verify that the heatmap changes its position when the plant layer is moved in priority
  • Given I am on a map page where plant layer is above an drawing layer
  • When I place some tomatoes on the plant layer
  • When I draw a filled rectangle on the drawing layer so that it overlaps with the tomatoes
  • When I select a potato and try to place it near the tomatoes so that heatmap is shown
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the plants and above the rectangle
  • When I move the plant layer below the drawing layer
  • Then I can see that the heatmap is below the rectangle and below the plants
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: