pub trait DistinctDsl {
    type Output;

    // Required method
    fn distinct(self) -> Distinct<Self>;
Expand description

The distinct method

This trait should not be relied on directly by most apps. Its behavior is provided by QueryDsl. However, you may need a where clause on this trait to call distinct from generic code.

Required Associated Types§


type Output

The type returned by .distinct

Required Methods§


fn distinct(self) -> Distinct<Self>

See the trait documentation.



impl<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB> DistinctDsl for BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB>where DB: Backend, DistinctClause: QueryFragment<DB>,


type Output = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB>


impl<ST, F, S, D, W, O, LOf, G, H> DistinctDsl for SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, LOf, G, H>where Self: SelectQuery<SqlType = ST>, SelectStatement<F, S, DistinctClause, W, O, LOf, G, H>: SelectQuery<SqlType = ST>,


type Output = SelectStatement<F, S, DistinctClause, W, O, LOf, G, H, NoLockingClause>


impl<T> DistinctDsl for Twhere T: Table + AsQuery<Query = SelectStatement<FromClause<T>>>, T::DefaultSelection: Expression<SqlType = T::SqlType> + ValidGrouping<()>, T::SqlType: TypedExpressionType,


type Output = <SelectStatement<FromClause<T>, DefaultSelectClause<FromClause<T>>, NoDistinctClause, NoWhereClause, NoOrderClause, LimitOffsetClause<NoLimitClause, NoOffsetClause>, NoGroupByClause, NoHavingClause, NoLockingClause> as DistinctDsl>::Output