
Function inflate

pub fn inflate(
    state: &mut InflateState,
    input: &[u8],
    output: &mut [u8],
    flush: MZFlush,
) -> StreamResult
Expand description

Try to decompress from input to output with the given InflateState


Generally, the various MZFlush flags have meaning only on the compression side. They can be supplied here, but the only one that has any semantic meaning is MZFlush::Finish, which is a signal that the stream is expected to finish, and failing to do so is an error. It isn’t necessary to specify it when the stream ends; you’ll still get returned a MZStatus::StreamEnd anyway. Other values either have no effect or cause errors. It’s likely that you’ll almost always just want to use MZFlush::None.


Returns MZError::Buf if the size of the output slice is empty or no progress was made due to lack of expected input data, or if called with MZFlush::Finish and input wasn’t all consumed.

Returns MZError::Data if this or a a previous call failed with an error return from TINFLStatus; probably indicates corrupted data.

Returns MZError::Stream when called with MZFlush::Full (meaningless on decompression), or when called without MZFlush::Finish after an earlier call with MZFlush::Finish has been made.