
Module web

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Essentials helper functions and types for application registration.

§Request Extractors

  • Data: Application data item
  • ThinData: Cheap-to-clone application data item
  • ReqData: Request-local data item
  • Path: URL path parameters / dynamic segments
  • Query: URL query parameters
  • Header: Typed header
  • Json: JSON payload
  • Form: URL-encoded payload
  • Bytes: Raw payload


  • Json: JSON response
  • Form: URL-encoded response
  • Bytes: Raw bytes response
  • Redirect: Convenient redirect responses


  • A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.
  • A unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.
  • Application data wrapper and extractor.
  • URL encoded payload extractor and responder.
  • Form extractor configuration.
  • Extract typed headers from the request.
  • Semantic HTML responder.
  • JSON extractor and responder.
  • Json extractor configuration.
  • Extract typed data from request path segments.
  • Path extractor configuration
  • Extract a request’s raw payload stream.
  • Configuration for request payloads.
  • Extract typed information from the request’s query.
  • Query extractor configuration.
  • Stream that reads request line by line.
  • An HTTP service for redirecting one path to another path or URL.
  • Request-local data extractor.
  • Enables parts of app configuration to be declared separately from the app itself. Helpful for modularizing large applications.
  • Application data wrapper and extractor for cheaply-cloned types.
  • Future that resolves to some T when parsed from a URL encoded payload.


  • Combines two extractor or responder types into a single type.
  • Future that resolves to some T when parsed from a JSON payload.


  • Read bytes from a buffer.
  • A trait for values that provide sequential write access to bytes.


  • Executes blocking function on a thread pool, returns future that resolves to result of the function execution.
  • Creates a new route with DELETE method guard.
  • Creates a new route with GET method guard.
  • Creates a new route with HEAD method guard.
  • Creates a new route with specified method guard.
  • Creates a new route with PATCH method guard.
  • Creates a new route with POST method guard.
  • Creates a new route with PUT method guard.
  • Create a relative or absolute redirect.
  • Creates a new resource for a specific path.
  • Creates a new un-configured route.
  • Creates scope for common path prefix.
  • Creates a raw service for a specific path.
  • Creates a new any-method route with handler.
  • Creates a new route with TRACE method guard.