use super::{biguint_from_vec, BigUint};
use crate::big_digit;
use alloc::borrow::Cow;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::{Shl, ShlAssign, Shr, ShrAssign};
use num_traits::{PrimInt, Zero};
fn biguint_shl<T: PrimInt>(n: Cow<'_, BigUint>, shift: T) -> BigUint {
if shift < T::zero() {
panic!("attempt to shift left with negative");
if n.is_zero() {
return n.into_owned();
let bits = T::from(big_digit::BITS).unwrap();
let digits = (shift / bits).to_usize().expect("capacity overflow");
let shift = (shift % bits).to_u8().unwrap();
biguint_shl2(n, digits, shift)
fn biguint_shl2(n: Cow<'_, BigUint>, digits: usize, shift: u8) -> BigUint {
let mut data = match digits {
0 => n.into_owned().data,
_ => {
let len = digits.saturating_add( + 1);
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
data.resize(digits, 0);
if shift > 0 {
let mut carry = 0;
let carry_shift = big_digit::BITS - shift;
for elem in data[digits..].iter_mut() {
let new_carry = *elem >> carry_shift;
*elem = (*elem << shift) | carry;
carry = new_carry;
if carry != 0 {
fn biguint_shr<T: PrimInt>(n: Cow<'_, BigUint>, shift: T) -> BigUint {
if shift < T::zero() {
panic!("attempt to shift right with negative");
if n.is_zero() {
return n.into_owned();
let bits = T::from(big_digit::BITS).unwrap();
let digits = (shift / bits).to_usize().unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
let shift = (shift % bits).to_u8().unwrap();
biguint_shr2(n, digits, shift)
fn biguint_shr2(n: Cow<'_, BigUint>, digits: usize, shift: u8) -> BigUint {
if digits >= {
let mut n = n.into_owned();
return n;
let mut data = match n {
Cow::Borrowed(n) =>[digits..].to_vec(),
Cow::Owned(mut n) => {;
if shift > 0 {
let mut borrow = 0;
let borrow_shift = big_digit::BITS - shift;
for elem in data.iter_mut().rev() {
let new_borrow = *elem << borrow_shift;
*elem = (*elem >> shift) | borrow;
borrow = new_borrow;
macro_rules! impl_shift {
(@ref $Shx:ident :: $shx:ident, $ShxAssign:ident :: $shx_assign:ident, $rhs:ty) => {
impl $Shx<&$rhs> for BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn $shx(self, rhs: &$rhs) -> BigUint {
$Shx::$shx(self, *rhs)
impl $Shx<&$rhs> for &BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn $shx(self, rhs: &$rhs) -> BigUint {
$Shx::$shx(self, *rhs)
impl $ShxAssign<&$rhs> for BigUint {
fn $shx_assign(&mut self, rhs: &$rhs) {
$ShxAssign::$shx_assign(self, *rhs);
($($rhs:ty),+) => {$(
impl Shl<$rhs> for BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn shl(self, rhs: $rhs) -> BigUint {
biguint_shl(Cow::Owned(self), rhs)
impl Shl<$rhs> for &BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn shl(self, rhs: $rhs) -> BigUint {
biguint_shl(Cow::Borrowed(self), rhs)
impl ShlAssign<$rhs> for BigUint {
fn shl_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs) {
let n = mem::replace(self, Self::ZERO);
*self = n << rhs;
impl_shift! { @ref Shl::shl, ShlAssign::shl_assign, $rhs }
impl Shr<$rhs> for BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn shr(self, rhs: $rhs) -> BigUint {
biguint_shr(Cow::Owned(self), rhs)
impl Shr<$rhs> for &BigUint {
type Output = BigUint;
fn shr(self, rhs: $rhs) -> BigUint {
biguint_shr(Cow::Borrowed(self), rhs)
impl ShrAssign<$rhs> for BigUint {
fn shr_assign(&mut self, rhs: $rhs) {
let n = mem::replace(self, Self::ZERO);
*self = n >> rhs;
impl_shift! { @ref Shr::shr, ShrAssign::shr_assign, $rhs }
impl_shift! { u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize }
impl_shift! { i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize }