Macro impl_more::impl_from

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macro_rules! impl_from {
    (<$($generic:ident),+> in $from:ty => $this:ty $(,)?) => { ... };
    (<$($generic:ident),+> in $from:ty => $this:ty : $field:ident $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($from:ty => $this:ty $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($from:ty => $this:ty : $field:ident $(,)?) => { ... };
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Implement From for a struct.


With a newtype struct:

use impl_more::impl_from;

struct Foo(String);
impl_from!(String => Foo);

let foo = Foo::from("bar".to_owned());

With a named field struct with type parameters:

use std::rc::Rc;
use impl_more::impl_from;

struct Foo<T> { inner: Rc<T> }
impl_from!(<T> in Rc<T> => Foo<T> : inner);

let foo = Foo::from(Rc::new("bar".to_owned()));