The ~= operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry/geography A is the same as the bounding box of geometry/geography B.
The @ operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A is completely contained by the bounding box of geometry B.
The ~ operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A completely contains the bounding box of geometry B.
The <-> operator returns the 2D distance between A and B.
The <#> operator returns the 2D distance between A and B bounding boxes.
The |=| operator returns the 3D distance between two trajectories.
The <<#>> operator returns the n-D distance between A and B bounding boxes.
The <<->> operator returns the n-D distance between the centroids of A and B bounding boxes.
The = operator returns TRUE if the coordinates and coordinate order geometry/geography A are the same as the coordinates and coordinate order of geometry/geography B.
The && operator returns TRUE if the 2D bounding box of geometry A intersects the 2D bounding box of geometry B.
The |&> operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A overlaps or is above the bounding box of geometry B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT below the bounding box of geometry B.
The &<| operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A overlaps or is below of the bounding box of geometry B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT above the bounding box of geometry B.
The &< operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A overlaps or is to the left of the bounding box of geometry B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT to the right of the bounding box of geometry B.
The &> operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A overlaps or is to the right of the bounding box of geometry B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT to the left of the bounding box of geometry B.
ST_Intersects returns TRUE if the intersection of the geometries or geographies is non-empty.
The |>> operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A is strictly above the bounding box of geometry B.
The <<| operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A is strictly below the bounding box of geometry B.
The << operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A is strictly to the left of the bounding box of geometry B.
The >> operator returns TRUE if the bounding box of geometry A is strictly to the right of the bounding box of geometry B.