pub type ReplaceStatement<T, U, Ret = NoReturningClause> = InsertStatement<T, U, Replace, Ret>;
Expand description

Represents a complete INSERT OR REPLACE statement.

Aliased Type§

struct ReplaceStatement<T, U, Ret = NoReturningClause> {
    pub operator: Replace,
    pub target: T,
    pub records: U,
    pub returning: Ret,
    /* private fields */


§operator: Replace

The operator used by this InsertStatement

Corresponds to either Insert or Replace

§target: T

The table we are inserting into

§records: U

The data which should be inserted

§returning: Ret

An optional returning clause



impl<T: QuerySource, U, Op, Ret> InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>


pub fn new(target: T, records: U, operator: Op, returning: Ret) -> Self

Create a new InsertStatement instance


impl<T: QuerySource, U, C, Op, Ret> InsertStatement<T, InsertFromSelect<U, C>, Op, Ret>


pub fn into_columns<C2>( self, columns: C2 ) -> InsertStatement<T, InsertFromSelect<U, C2>, Op, Ret>where C2: ColumnList<Table = T> + Expression, U: Query<SqlType = C2::SqlType>,

Set the column list when inserting from a select statement

See the documentation for insert_into for usage examples.


impl<T: QuerySource, U, Op> InsertStatement<T, U, Op>


pub fn returning<E>( self, returns: E ) -> InsertStatement<T, U, Op, ReturningClause<E>>where InsertStatement<T, U, Op, ReturningClause<E>>: Query,

Specify what expression is returned after execution of the insert.

Inserting records:
let inserted_names = diesel::insert_into(users)
    .values(&vec![name.eq("Timmy"), name.eq("Jimmy")])
assert_eq!(Ok(vec!["Timmy".to_string(), "Jimmy".to_string()]), inserted_names);

impl<T, U, Op, Ret> InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>where T: QuerySource, U: UndecoratedInsertRecord<T> + IntoConflictValueClause,


pub fn on_conflict_do_nothing( self ) -> InsertStatement<T, OnConflictValues<U::ValueClause, NoConflictTarget, DoNothing>, Op, Ret>

Adds ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING to the insert statement, without specifying any columns or constraints to restrict the conflict to.

Single Record
let user = User { id: 1, name: "Sean" };

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
assert_eq!(Ok(1), inserted_row_count);

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
assert_eq!(Ok(0), inserted_row_count);
Vec of Records
let user = User { id: 1, name: "Sean" };

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
    .values(&vec![user, user])
assert_eq!(Ok(1), inserted_row_count);

pub fn on_conflict<Target>( self, target: Target ) -> IncompleteOnConflict<InsertStatement<T, U::ValueClause, Op, Ret>, ConflictTarget<Target>>where ConflictTarget<Target>: OnConflictTarget<T>,

Adds an ON CONFLICT to the insert statement, if a conflict occurs for the given unique constraint.

Target can be one of:

Specifying a column as the target
diesel::sql_query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_name ON users (name)").execute(conn).unwrap();
let user = User { id: 1, name: "Sean" };
let same_name_different_id = User { id: 2, name: "Sean" };
let same_id_different_name = User { id: 1, name: "Pascal" };

assert_eq!(Ok(1), diesel::insert_into(users).values(&user).execute(conn));

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
assert_eq!(Ok(0), inserted_row_count);

let pk_conflict_result = diesel::insert_into(users)
Specifying multiple columns as the target
use diesel::upsert::*;

diesel::sql_query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_name_hair_color ON users (name, hair_color)").execute(conn).unwrap();
let user = User { id: 1, name: "Sean", hair_color: "black" };
let same_name_different_hair_color = User { id: 2, name: "Sean", hair_color: "brown" };
let same_name_same_hair_color = User { id: 3, name: "Sean", hair_color: "black" };

assert_eq!(Ok(1), diesel::insert_into(users).values(&user).execute(conn));

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
    .on_conflict((name, hair_color))
assert_eq!(Ok(1), inserted_row_count);

let inserted_row_count = diesel::insert_into(users)
    .on_conflict((name, hair_color))
assert_eq!(Ok(0), inserted_row_count);

See the documentation for on_constraint and do_update for more examples.

Trait Implementations§


impl<T, U, Op> AsQuery for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, NoReturningClause>where T: Table, InsertStatement<T, U, Op, ReturningClause<T::AllColumns>>: Query,


type SqlType = <<InsertStatement<T, U, Op, NoReturningClause> as AsQuery>::Query as Query>::SqlType

The SQL type of Self::Query

type Query = InsertStatement<T, U, Op, ReturningClause<<T as Table>::AllColumns>>

What kind of query does this type represent?

fn as_query(self) -> Self::Query

Converts a type which semantically represents a SQL query into the actual query being executed. See the trait level docs for more.

impl<T: Clone + QuerySource, U: Clone, Op: Clone, Ret: Clone> Clone for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>where T::FromClause: Clone,


fn clone(&self) -> InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T: Debug + QuerySource, U: Debug, Op: Debug, Ret: Debug> Debug for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>where T::FromClause: Debug,


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<T, U, Op, Ret> Query for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, ReturningClause<Ret>>where T: QuerySource, Ret: Expression + SelectableExpression<T> + NonAggregate,


type SqlType = <Ret as Expression>::SqlType

The SQL type that this query represents. Read more

impl<T, U, Op, Ret> QueryId for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>where T: QuerySource + QueryId + 'static, U: QueryId, Op: QueryId, Ret: QueryId,


type QueryId = InsertStatement<T, <U as QueryId>::QueryId, <Op as QueryId>::QueryId, <Ret as QueryId>::QueryId>

A type which uniquely represents Self in a SQL query. Read more

const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = _

Can the SQL generated by Self be uniquely identified by its type? Read more

fn query_id() -> Option<TypeId>

Returns the type id of Self::QueryId if Self::HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID. Returns None otherwise. Read more

impl<T: QuerySource, U, Op, Ret, Conn> RunQueryDsl<Conn> for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>


fn load<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<Vec<U>>where Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,

Executes the given query, returning a Vec with the returned rows. Read more

fn load_iter<'conn, 'query: 'conn, U, B>( self, conn: &'conn mut Conn ) -> QueryResult<LoadIter<'conn, 'query, Self, Conn, U, B>>where U: 'conn, Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U, B> + 'conn,

Executes the given query, returning an Iterator with the returned rows. Read more

fn get_result<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<U>where Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,

Runs the command, and returns the affected row. Read more

fn get_results<'query, U>(self, conn: &mut Conn) -> QueryResult<Vec<U>>where Self: LoadQuery<'query, Conn, U>,

Runs the command, returning an Vec with the affected rows. Read more

impl<T: Copy + QuerySource, U: Copy, Op: Copy, Ret: Copy> Copy for InsertStatement<T, U, Op, Ret>where T::FromClause: Copy,